Will You Make It Out To…..

Lots of people write books with the intent of being a best selling author. There are all kinds of systems that you can put in place to make that happen online and when any of my friends do this, I am more than willing to offer my support. When I wrote my book, I wrote it […]
Time To Rethink….
You’re on a mission and things are going according to plan….or are they? Ever so often you need to reevaluate your goals. Have you reached them? Are they too easily attained? Are they so far off that they are impossible to reach? Or perhaps, you have veered off your path entirely…. I was pretty sure […]
According to dictionary.com, commitment is defined as: a pledge or promise; obligation. We all have made commitments and try our best to keep them. The other day I was watching a form of commitment that gave new meaning to the word. I wanted to share this with you. From my back door you can see trees, flowers, my pool and lots […]
The Word is….
Did you sell lemonade when you were younger. Perhaps girl scout cookies were more up your alley? Or maybe you mowed lawns in your neighborhood….do you know what the common thread is between your first experience having a business as a child and jumping in and doing it as an adult? It’s a word that […]
The Hubbub About Gender Balance
The following is a guest post by Katie K. Snapp, Author of “Skirt Strategies: 249 Success Tips for Women in Leadership” and Founder of Better-Leadership.com Enjoy! Imagine yourself walking your dog on a lovely day. Fresh air, plenty of sunshine, and a cool breeze … since it is winter, let’s make that a warm breeze. You adjust to your […]
Women Do It Three Times More Than Men
I was honored to be asked to guest blog for Kim Duke-The Sales Divas. I decided to write about ONE of the many differences between men and women…So what do women do three times more than men…. Ask questions! Every action, every moment of every day is taken only after DOZENS of questions have been […]
Do We Really Need Two Separate Training Programs??
Every time I am speaking about the differences between men and women in the workplace, I find that more and more people are becoming aware that the differences can be advantageous, if we understand them. Since women are now responsible for 86% of consumer products purchasing, including insurance, cars and appliances, you would think everyone […]
“Qualifying on the Phone”: Part 4- Building Relationships
Here are some realities about the distinct ways men and women approach selling. Men tend to be more direct on the phone. They call a prospect and go straight into the sales presentation. They tend to be driven to get the job done. They will then repeat the process and the system is easy to duplicate. The purpose […]