Ten Useful Tips For The First-Time Business Owner

Owning A Business Is Extremely Exciting; It Is Also Hard Work And It Is Easy To Make Mistakes! You will not avoid every mistake of a first-time business owner, but with the right guidance you can make good decisions and avoid the problems that may cause some business owners to give up.  Hang in there; […]

Breaking the ‘Don’t Talk to Strangers’ Mentality

Women in Sales In my book Selling in a Skirt as well as in my new book PURE WEALTH: 26 Ways To Crazy Profitability, I address a topic that is very close to my heart: women in sales. I have seen all sorts of problems created when women buy into conventional wisdom about sales as […]

Are You a Woman in a Male-Dominated Business?

There is no doubt that it is tough for women to succeed in a male-dominated field, but tough does not mean impossible! Being in a male-dominated industry is tough when you accept less money instead of negotiate for what you’re worth, or if you come in not knowing your product or service and rely on […]

It’s The Little Things That Count

Here’s the scenario….you are in a restaurant way out of town. You have no connections or relationships there yet you are treated as if you have been going there forever… The Colonel and I decided to get out of town for the weekend. We headed northwest to a little town in Oklahoma….ok some of you […]

Determining Your Niche

Why is it that when someone asks who your target market is, the response many times is “everyone”?  How can that be true?  Is what you offer really good for the immediate world? The more you are able to describe and pinpoint your niche, the more profitable it will be.  Others will understand who they […]

KRLD Radio – Iowa’s ‘too Attractive’ Case

What is your opinion about the Dental Assistant that lost her job after 10+ years because she was now too attractive and may have caused personal issues for the Dentist she worked for? The cause of firing was considered legal and not gender related….makes you scratch your head…here’s the interview I did with Scott West […]

“Act As If”- Notes on Time Management

Time management is one of the hardest concepts entrepreneurs have to grasp, especially when it means working from home. Many people find the transition from an office routine to the self-employed lifestyle confusing, because there are no rules. The only person holding you accountable to putting in a full day’s work is you, and the […]

Shopping For A Candidate

Everywhere you look, listen or read the elections are in front of you. Everyone has a different opinion as to which candidate should hold the highest position in our country.  More than that though, the focus seems to be on the “Gender Gap” In one article it stated that if only women voted they would […]

The Best Label To Put On A Child

Recently I was asked to be on CW33 TV to talk about my favorite label for a child- “Kidpreneurs”  (Check out the video here!)  Imagine a child that has entrepreneurial tendencies and can monetize that?  Pretty powerful I would say! I did a lot of research about how kids can make money and spoke to some “experts” in the field. I […]

Soaring Further: Radio Interview

Back in May I was Interviewed by Elizabeth Mccormick. Her radio show Soaring Further is designed to be a “Daily dose of inspiration” and I couldn’t agree more! To see the full interview, click here to listen! To read more about Elizabeth, see below! Elizabeth McCormick has travelled the country as an inspirational speaker, relating the challenges […]

Time To Rethink….

You’re on a mission and things are going according to plan….or are they? Ever so often you need to reevaluate your goals. Have you reached them? Are they too easily attained? Are they so far off that they are impossible to reach? Or perhaps, you have veered off your path entirely…. I was pretty sure […]

When Is A Group Too Small?

  So many times I’m asked why I speak to small groups. Isn’t it a waste of my time? Wouldn’t I rather have an audience of thousands? Well my friends, there are so many ways to respond to these questions. To begin with, when I first started my company, I needed to gain brand awareness so I […]