- 203.605.3635
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When you think about it, sales and leadership go together like a hand and a glove. Unfortunately sales people don’t consider themselves as leaders and leaders don’t consider themselves as sales people, yet both are important and both are necessary skills.
What we’ve done is we have topics that are sales, topics that are leadership and topics that combine forces. For the sales professionals, we’ve got you covered. For the executive leaders, we’ve got you covered and for those that want a little of each…yes, we have you covered as well.
Focusing on the fact that men and women are different. As simple as that sounds, to be successful as a sales professional, you need to understand that men and women communicate differently. This includes asking questions, listening and both verbal and non-verbal behavior. Knowing there are differences is only the first step. To succeed in this ever changing market place, understanding and embracing the key differences between men and women is vital. Developing relationships is what makes this business successful. By recognizing the significance of relationship building plus the best the language to accomplish that will help all members of the sales team.
During this session you will learn:
While every industry is quite different, many face the same challenges. One of the biggest challenges in today’s market is finding “Women”… Companies do their best to attract the right candidates but, the questions we struggle over are “Are we in the right place; are we on the right track; do we have the right mindset?” Imagine being able to answer those questions and so much more while you can see the results you are looking to have, being comfortable in your own skin and being able to focus on the situations and people you truly want to. Digging deep down into our inner Wonder Woman is where all the tools we need can be found.
In almost everyone’s life, we have decisions to make. As women…even more decision seem to appear. With each decision comes new responsibilities. How do we choose the right path? How do we find someone that can pave the way and understand what our journey is going to be? How do we know that the choices we make are the ones that will benefit ourselves and our business?
What you will learn:
Over the last 20 years, there has been a tremendous change in women’s presence in the workplace and their economic influence as both wage earners and consumers. Today women make or influence 85% of buying decisions. Despite dramatic changes in both sales and customer service, many sales companies have not altered the way they train their sales teams. By not acknowledging the importance of gender differences and not changing the basic training of their sales teams, many US companies are inhibiting their own growth and market share.
During this session you will learn:
Everyone is in sales, whether you are providing a product or service, managing a team or selling yourself. In order to succeed in today’s market, we need to recognize what our businesses are built on. That includes sales, communication and relationships. Communication comes in many forms and is different between genders, generations and industries.
In order to increase sales and build our business relationships, we must learn the proper way to communicate with each other. Sales are based on conversations. Building relationships begins with asking questions, and listening will cement those relationships. We live in a very noisy world so standing out and being unique will be a way to increase your bottom line. What is it that makes you stand out from your competitors? Why would people want to do business with you? Learning how to network with intention will give you some of the proven strategies to build new centers of influence and nurture existing ones and will make a huge impact on your bottom line.
What you will learn:
Has your business been referred to as a hobby due to lack of profits? Has your for-profit business become a NOT-for-profit? By sharing case studies and experiences of success in building multiple businesses, Judy provides participants a peek into her “exclusive play-book” that was designed to turn her passion into profits. During this session you will learn:
Is your company finding it hard to attract, recruit, motivate and retain women? Women have made great strides in both the current workplace and in filling up the pipeline for the future workplace. Here is where we are today. Women are 50% of the workforce so now they account for half of the available workforce. That number is expected to increase as the pipeline of women graduating from college enters the workforce. Women earn 57% all college degrees and 60% of graduate students are women. No matter how successful you are today, if you really take the time to concentrate on attracting this huge segment of the educated workforce…women, you could significantly improve your bottom line. The question is…What are you doing about it? During this session you will learn:
This is not a women-only seminar…everyone can benefit and everyone is invited.
What is being self-disciplined? It is a habit, a practice, a philosophy and a way of living. All successful people are highly disciplined in the important work that they do. All great success in life is preceded by long, sustained periods of focused effort on a single goal, the most important goal, with the determination to stay with it until it is complete. Fortunately the quality of self-discipline is something that you can learn by continuous practice, over and over, until you master it. Once you have mastered the ability to delay gratification, the ability to discipline yourself to keep your attention focused on the most important task in front of you, there is virtually no goal that you cannot accomplish and no task that you cannot complete.
During this seminar you will:
(*For Insurance And Financial Companies)
While every industry is quite different, many face the same challenges. One of the biggest challenges in today’s market is finding “Women”… While that has so many directions to address, the truth is recruiting is one piece; retaining is another. This is one of the greatest industries for women because it is a level playing field, the compensation is the same and the opportunities…sometimes this is the disconnect…not only from the company but for the female candidate as well. Are we in the right place; are we on the right track; do we have the right mindset? Imagine being able to answer those questions and so much more while you can see the results you are looking to have, earning the revenue you deserve to earn and being able to focus on the situations and people you truly want to.
In almost everyone’s life, we have decisions to make. As women…even more decision seem to appear. With each decision comes new responsibilities. How do we choose the right path? How do we find someone that can pave the way and understand what our journey is going to be? How do we know that the choices we make are the ones that will benefit ourselves and out business?
Many people don’t want to be in sales. They don’t want to pressure or be pressured into asking for money or the close. But, that is the basis of the sales process. What if you were able to be a top producer without having the feeling of being the text book case of a salesperson? What if all you needed to do was learn how to have a conversation that will make your close a natural part of the process?
Most people confuse marketing and sales. The simple truth is that marketing gets you known and sales gets you paid. While they are two different activities, when they work together…your bottom line will see the results.
Let’s keep it simple and watch what happens!
What you will learn specifically: