- 203.605.3635
- [email protected]
L-Laser-Focused-On your goals so that you can guarantee success in your role
E-Elevate-Your personal brand so that you stand out instead of blending in
A-Amplify-Your message so that you lead with confidence and negotiate with authority
D-Drive Your Dream- Empower yourself first so that you can empower growth in others
Judy Hoberman is President of Judy Hoberman and Associates, a company focused on empowering professional women. She is an international speaker, trainer, executive coach, author, radio show host and mentor. Her 30 years in business has given her both knowledge and a sense of humor about how men and women lead, sell, manage and recruit differently. She will enlighten you and help you learn how both genders can support each other’s successes in a more productive way. Her experience in sales and leadership has helped her clients realize the importance of building relationships, standing out and being the authority in their market.
Her experience includes over 2 decades in life and health insurance beginning as an agent with no experience and progressing to leading 3 agencies across 3 states with over 100 agents. She still holds her license.
Judy also works with companies supporting their diversity and women’s initiatives in the areas of sales, leadership, recruiting, training, coaching, mentoring and retention. In her role as an executive coach and trainer, she is often described as “transformational.”
She engages her audiences, from 10 to 10,000, with memorable stories and ideas that are easily implemented that same day. She was a TEDx speaker talking about pre-judging people. She is the author of four books, including “Selling in a Skirt” and “Walking on the Glass Floor.” Judy is the Executive Director for the Walking on the Glass Floor Foundation, a board member for Fearless Dallas and on the Advisory Board for Females & Finance.
Judy has completed certifications from Cornell University’s College of Business in Women in Leadership and Women in Entrepreneurship, adding that to her previous degree from Queens College, New York. She was named as a “Woman to Watch” for International Women’s Day 2019 from Thrive Global. She was awarded the Character and Integrity Award for her distinct and significant contribution to sales producers’ success. Judy was a finalist for the “Women of Visionary Influence Mentor of the Year” and was named one of the “Top 10 Women of Influence in Dallas” for her involvement in the community and entrepreneurship. Recently she was named as one of 14 sales pros building trust from LinkedIn as well as Coach of the Year from Powerful Professionals.
Judy is the host of “Selling in a Skirt with Judy Hoberman” podcast and has been “The Gender Expert” on Fox News Radio. She has appeared on CNN Headlines, ABC, CBS, CW33 and Good Morning Texas, contributes articles to multiple publications and journals, and appeared on the cover of Exceptional People Magazine.
Judy’s mission…to help one woman a day by following an important philosophy- “Women want to be treated equally, not identically ®”