Did You Hear The Same Message I Heard?

Recently I was asked to be a Team Leader at a 3-day business conference. When I attended the conference years ago, I listened to the messages over the 3-days as a beginner in business. I thought everything made some sense but it was like drinking from a fire hose. So much information and so many things to put into practice. I knew that if I didn’t implement what I learned, it would have been a wasted weekend. I got the basics done pretty quickly and slowly but surely, I got everything put into place.

This time though, I heard the same messages through a different set of ears. I have been in this business for 3 years and some of the basic things I learned, oh so many years ago, I probably stopped doing….no not probably, I did stop. For some reason, once we have a little experience and success, we forget how we got there or where we came from…something I always tell my clients not to do. While some of the attendees at the conference were struggling with an exercise on how to put together their sales funnel, I drew mine out in minutes when I got on the plane to go home. I quickly realized that this sales funnel was something I probably should have had in front of me every day.

Like I said, the same message with different ears….Now the job is to get it done.

As Walt Disney said, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

Sales Funnel

Empower Your Journey with Judy Hoberman

Unlock the secrets to breaking stereotypes and achieving success in sales. Connect with Judy Hoberman to learn how to build your personal brand and amplify your influence in the industry.

One Response

  1. Timely information, thanks. I’ve noticed in my work with networking groups that those who attain success tend to fall into this trap. They drop out from the group which in many times led to their success.

    Like showing appreciation only after you get the business and then never again. A.R.E. – Acquire; Retain; Engage is the basic premise in developing long-term business relationships.

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