Have you even been faced with a situation that has just zapped all your energy?  Could be personal, could be professional.  What do you do?  You can’t stay under your blankies for too long.  After all, how do you explain that to your mortgage company or utilities?

I had been going along excited and happy and ready to take on the world.  It always makes me smile when someone is so excited to meet me or asks me to sign a copy of my book or thanks me for sharing my information.  So I know I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing.  Even with the ups and downs of building a business, I’m still so much happier than I’ve been in a long time.  I have new products coming out, an incredible Dream Team around me and even taking some time for me.  Unfortunately I was hit with a situation that, in my mind, can derail what I’m trying to accomplish and I am trying to stay professional, not get my NYer attitude up and remain focused and productive.

Ha!  Easier said than done!  So I did what any normal, mature woman would do….I burst into tears and started second guessing everything I am doing.  It’s not good enough, it’s not valuable enough, I don’t understand the terminology….you name it I said it!  How productive!  If not for the next steps I took, I would be in my sweats, under my blankies, watching mindless TV.

  1. Find someone to talk to-I have the most incredible people around me-friends, family, my mastermind group who first listened and then offered advice
  2. Listen to the advice given-While some of the advice I received was not easy to swallow, I did listen and put together a plan.
  3. Commit to letting others help-One of the most difficult things for most women to do is to ask for help.  This blubbering fool didn’t need to say too much.  It was clear I needed help
  4. Do what you are good at-There is nothing more rewarding than feeling good about yourself by doing what you love.  Positive reinforcement can help change your mood
  5. Take some time for yourself to rebound-Give yourself permission to veg out for the day.  Mindless TV and sweats goes a long way.

So have I bounced back totally? Not yet, but I’m on the right path and I know it will all work out the way it’s supposed to…

Have a similar story to share?  I would love to hear how you navigated out of the rough waters. Leave a comment below and lets start a discussion.

Empower Your Journey with Judy Hoberman

Unlock the secrets to breaking stereotypes and achieving success in sales. Connect with Judy Hoberman to learn how to build your personal brand and amplify your influence in the industry.

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