The Keys To Confidence?

Recently I have been speaking to companies, corporations, Associations and individuals about a topic that had not been one that we would publicly speak about. No it’s not sex, drugs, religion or any of the taboo topics. It’s one that until now, many of us hid…and did it quite well. The topic is CONFIDENCE and […]
Cover Girl
Someone asked me a question that I’m going to ask you. If you could be on the cover of any magazine, what would it be? I thought about different magazines and then started to divide them into categories. If I were younger maybe a Fitness magazine. If my family all lived under one roof, maybe a Family […]
The Cover of ‘Exceptional People’ Magazine!
I am extremely happy to announce that Exceptional People Magazine featured me on the cover of their magazine! You can read the interview by clicking here. Or if you prefer to download it to print and read later you can do so by clicking here. Here is an excerpt from the interview: Monica: What are […]