I would soon realize that 8 weeks is a very long time to give notice?  Let me just assure you that it is.

I was pretty good at keeping secrets, but this one was tough.  There were some people that were leaving the Company and of course it is only natural for people to ask if you were next.  I was hoping that I would not be asked that question but unfortunately I was and I had to tap dance around it and say me? why would you ask?

I was truly uncomfortable and told my boss.  It just wasn’t time yet and they weren’t sure how to tell everyone so let’s wait another week.  So we did and then we had to wait to find out some details from HR and then we had to wait until some news from the Board was released and then…I’m starting to see a pattern here.

Finally, after 4 weeks,
it was decided that our group would hear first at our Staff meeting and then an announcement would be released to the Field Leaders.  Even though I was more than ready, I was nervous.  It was a big decision, one that was right for me, not so sure how everyone else would feel.

At our Staff meeting, everyone gave their updates.  I did as well and then my boss spoke for a few minutes about how things change and people may leave etc. and then she announced that I had resigned but had agreed to stay on to do one more training and to help with a big meeting at the end of June. You could have knocked everyone over with a feather as it could have been any other name but mine that was announced.  I was a Company person, I bled Company blood, how could it be me?

About an hour later the announcement went out to the field.  It was as if the send button was hit and my phone and emails started blowing up.  People that I wouldn’t have expected to call or email did in a nano second.  Some were clearly upset, some were excited for me, but all were shocked.

I heard some beautiful sentiments from people but everyone asked Why? Couldn’t they make you stay? Where are you going? Are you leaving TX?  I had to turn my phone off because I was truly overwhelmed.  I knew that I had made some impact on people, I just didn’t realize how much.

Empower Your Journey with Judy Hoberman

Unlock the secrets to breaking stereotypes and achieving success in sales. Connect with Judy Hoberman to learn how to build your personal brand and amplify your influence in the industry.

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