One of the many things on my ToDo list was to get my blog up to date…by my birthday…which is today. So let me give the Reader’s Digest condensed version of the missing weeks so we will be up to date as of October 12, 2010.

I believe I am about 4 weeks behind so here is what has been happening. First and foremost, I have never felt so good! I am busier than ever but I feel healthy and that has always been a goal for me. I know that even though many of you are thinking she is insane to leave a job that paid well, had benefits, let me travel all over the country etc. and headed where?? AND in this economy? That is sheer craziness and in many cases I would agree. However, I was prepared and I knew there was something out there, larger than life, just waiting for me to see it and do something about it.

Selling In A Skirt is my story. It’s what I went through and it’s what I am hoping to share with the masses and help women understand there is more than one way to do things and maybe just maybe using your own feminine skills will help you reach that level of success that you are not reaching now. And guys, you are not off the hook either because would having more women on your team reaching their success, encouraging more women to join the team and retaining them longer than you have been help you at all? The lessons I bring are the lessons I wish I knew when I was out there…plain and simple.

So the past few weeks have been filled with finishing touches on the website with love from my PJ, branding myself with encouragement and support from Jason, moral support from my number 1 fan Stephanie, tons of love from my friends, strategies and focus from Doreen and guidance and focus from my friend Gail. Guess I needed to focus more than anything? Now if your name is not specifically mentioned it’s because I didn’t want to leave anyone out but I promise as the blogs continue, you will be there. The website went live a few weeks ago and I have gotten such positive feedback that it makes me smile all the time. Have you seen it? Check it out and let me know what you think.

In addition to the work that is the backbone of building a business, there is also a major component in the front…networking. I have been networking my butt off. In fact some of my friends have told me I have networked more in the past 90 days than they have in years. I have been to every type of meeting and have had to weed out those that are not appropriate for me. I have met the most amazing people through networking so if you are not doing it, you must try it. It is better than almost any activity you can mention for marketing yourself. Did you know there is a group for almost any industry? You just have to put yourself out there and step out of your comfort zone. What better way is there to meet someone face to face, start up a conversation and then brainstorm about what you both are trying to accomplish. One warning though, if you do too many, you start to get confused so don’t do what I did and network five times a week. Start slow and test the waters and then jump in.

So here I am on my birthday, catching everyone up on my well being. I love birthdays because it is the day you changed the world. My number one goal is always to bring value wherever I go and on your birthday it’s twice as powerful. Love to all of you that have kept up with my blog and have been patient with me. The future is now the present and the present is a gift…don’t waste it.

Empower Your Journey with Judy Hoberman

Unlock the secrets to breaking stereotypes and achieving success in sales. Connect with Judy Hoberman to learn how to build your personal brand and amplify your influence in the industry.

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