Ok so it isn’t the first sentence I really needed.  Was it the content I was trying to figure out? Nope that wasn’t it either.  Was it trying to decide on my colors, logo and design before I could get started? Nope that wasn’t it either.

The winning answer….JUST DO IT!  That’s right.  I felt like a new salesperson that was getting ready to get ready to get ready to make calls.  I organized everything, had my To Do list in front of me, sharpened pencils (don’t say a word about that, I know I’m sitting at a computer), had my articles organized by topic. I was all set but couldn’t make anything happen.

Then I was given a quote by CP Fulfuord Jr. by my son- “If this were easy, everyone would be doing it.  If you are coasting it means you are going downhill.”

Does this hit home with anyone else?  Starting a business or doing a project or going out of your comfort zone in any capacity is not easy.  You have to do the grunt work first before you can find the passion that you know you have.  That passion is what makes you do all of these things.

I knew what I wanted to do but I knew in order to get there I had to tackle some big obstacles.  I started second guessing myself, daydreaming, finding things to do other than the tasks at hand so I went back to what worked for me as a new salesperson starting out in a new industry knowing absolutely zero.  I put everything that I had to do that day, and I mean everything, and started crossing things off that were easily completed.  Let’s see that would be wake up, brush my teeth, have breakfast, answer pending emails etc.  Those things were completed in the first hour I was awake.  The list was getting smaller. The rule was that I could not go to sleep with anything remaining on my list that was not completed.

Do you understand what is happening here?  It’s a mind game.  I had 30 things on my list of things that were so important to do and 28 of them were really “fluff” but in my mind extremely important.  Since I wake up between 5-6, I was done by 7.

Those 2 remaining items were the ones I dreaded the most and I had over 12 hours to complete them.  So that was how it all came to be.  I made my outline and started beefing up each section and then the editing would begin…or so it should.  This crazy girl was writing and editing at the same time.  So not productive.

I’m a great student and as the teacher here, I learned very quickly.

Empower Your Journey with Judy Hoberman

Unlock the secrets to breaking stereotypes and achieving success in sales. Connect with Judy Hoberman to learn how to build your personal brand and amplify your influence in the industry.

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