This is the winning concept.  For those of you that know me, you know all the industries I have worked in…construction, home and auto glass, insurance.  What do they all have in common?  Male dominated industries is the common thread.  Being in the minority had its own advantage-standing out in the sea of men.  At the same time standing out is a double edged sword.  You needed to work twice as hard to be successful and had to mimic the most successful men in the country.  That is not an easy task.  Trying to make things fit, trying to speak the same language and at the same time, trying to be yourself.

Throughout the years I have lived this and always thought someone would come up with a game plan to make this work…I’m pleased to say, that after all these years-28 to be exact-that I am the one who will try to provide the missing ingredient. Welcome to Selling In A Skirt-The Modern Girls Guide to Sales.

Even though the date on this post is 9/11/10, this concept started many years ago and in May, the ball started rolling.  Everyone that I told the theory about and the concept involved was so excited and said it is the missing piece that is needed.  With every positive comment I received, my motivation was stronger and my will to get this done greater.

The first thing I needed was a name and after many iterations, Selling In A Skirt was the winner-says enough and is easy to remember.  Then I needed a logo and Angi in Knoxville ran with this and came up with something that is truly “me”.  Next was the content.  As you can tell, I write like I speak so getting the information written, once I started, was easy.  Making it into information that is valuable, relevant and educational took more time. Thanks to Gail, my red-headed editor, it is getting done. That red pen is fierce but so important.

Next is the website and that is my son’s baby.  I have to keep remembering that he has a full-time job and has other outside jobs that he is doing which are on top of his #1 love-brewing beer.  But he is very calming and promises I will have it before my official launch date.  Rounding out the team is my translator of social media, Jason.  I don’t know about you, but I think this entire concept of FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin etc. is like another language.  When Jason asks me if I have any questions….my response is simply I don’t even know what questions to ask.  He is very patient and knowledgeable and eventually I will get it. All I know is after my Twitter 101 lesson, I am following a lot and am being followed by a lot.  I feel like Betty White in the trailer of her new movie “I’m on The Twitter”.  It sounds just as funny when I say that I’m doing that.

So this is the beginning of the next chapter.  Stay tuned to see how it all plays out….

Empower Your Journey with Judy Hoberman

Unlock the secrets to breaking stereotypes and achieving success in sales. Connect with Judy Hoberman to learn how to build your personal brand and amplify your influence in the industry.

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