Sometimes I have to laugh at the studies that are done that make the news. Many times though, these studies are just updates from previous ones and sometimes they think they are making an old study current. In any case, this particular study about who tolerates more pain is definitely an oldie but a goodie….depending on where you sit. My personal opinion is that men are stronger physically in most cases and women are not afraid to admit when something hurts…ok study complete.
Truthfully though, when this topic does come up, the first thing that both men and women will bring up is childbirth. And this study (I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that male researchers are behind this study, and I want to see the science behind this one.)
If men had to go through childbirth, I can promise you there would be a lot more single-child families on the planet!
What do you think? -> http://www.wwl.com/pages/14702207.php?contentType=4&contentId=11767803