As I scanned the back of the room and saw everyone from the Agency there, it suddenly made sense why those that were supposed to be there kept me at the front of the room for ridiculous reasons i.e. can you move this box, can we talk about whatever…Inspector Clouseau at your service.

I was presented with a beautiful plaque that was inscribed with “With sincere appreciation for fifteen years of loyalty, dedication and service to the agents & field leaders” I received a standing ovation and then I was asked to speak….not an easy task if you are doing what you have been doing best lately.  Yes you guessed it, crying.  I seem to have perfected the runny nose and red, mascara dripping eyes quite well and no I still have not purchased waterproof mascara. From what I understand about it is that no it will not run if you cry but no you can’t get it off with water either so I’m a bit leery.  That’s another entirely different issue.

What I said simply was this was/is a very difficult decision to leave but that it was time to go and see what is going to be the next chapter in my life.  I do want to have some balance and find a life.  If you really did read all the posts you will know my age and know that if I don’t get some balance now…

I also let them all know, both the Agency and the training class, that I’m not as tough as they all think.  If you just take the time to get to know me, I truly am mush on the inside, but you have to want to take the time.  At that point, our SVP and VP made the announcement that I had agreed to come back for the last three training classes of 2010.  We had discussed it and I still had to read the contract, but it was as good as done.  The class was excited and the June session came to an end.

After that, the Agency took me to lunch and presented me with a very heartfelt card, that I read in private, and tickets to dinner and Wicked.  It was a wonderful lunch and I went home and cried and went to sleep for a quick nap.  I was totally spent.  Wicked by the way was fantastic.  Dinner is a special one in August.

There are some many “final” episodes that are coming to an end.  A few more to follow…

Empower Your Journey with Judy Hoberman

Unlock the secrets to breaking stereotypes and achieving success in sales. Connect with Judy Hoberman to learn how to build your personal brand and amplify your influence in the industry.

2 Responses

  1. You say you are not tough, but your compassion/empathy and resolve to do the right thing are what make you tough…when the need arises – you are so beloved because you are human… compassionate…intelligent and look at life with a wonderful sense of humor, rather than through ‘rose-colored glasses’. Lady, you are an incredible woman!

  2. You say you are not tough, but your compassion/empathy and resolve to do the right thing are what make you tough…when the need arises – you are so beloved because you are human… compassionate…intelligent and look at life with a wonderful sense of humor, rather than through ‘rose-colored glasses’. Lady, you are an incredible woman and people can tell instinctively that you truly care about them!

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