To Do or Not To Do – 5 Steps to Staying Productive

Being productive has never been an issue for me.  I have been told I am very productive and as my last post showed, I’m also very focused.  Of course everyone tells me that I make it look so easy.  Here’s the secret, I need to make it look easy to me in order for me […]

Do We Really Need Two Separate Training Programs??

Every time I am speaking about the differences between men and women in the workplace, I find that more and more people are becoming aware that the differences can be advantageous, if we understand them.  Since women are now responsible for 86% of consumer products purchasing, including insurance, cars and appliances, you would think everyone […]

Communication Between Men and Women….

Is there really a difference?  Why is there so much talk about this? There are studies upon studies confirming that there are differences in the way we speak, the way we hear and the way we listen. One of the strategies I talk about deals with the male/female communication styles. It’s always funny when “selective […]


The definition of being vulnerable is: Susceptible to physical or emotional injury; Susceptible to attack; Open to censure or criticism.  These are certainly not positive thoughts that you want to have to start your day.  However, I was just sent a video by one of my closest girlfriends that put a new spin on a not so […]

What Is The Message Women Are Giving?

We all know there are differences between men and women. Studies have been done that document the differences in both genders in building relationships, communication skills and a host of other differences. But that is not where it ends. Many times women don’t give themselves enough credit and do not self-promote their accomplishments. This becomes […]

Good News, Bad News

You’re moving along, doing your thing and BAM! something unexpected happens….your computer crashes.  Everything you have is on your desktop or in a folder. But no issues, because you have a Mac…right?  Here’s what happened Thursday evening.  I’m on the phone with Jason, my branding guru. We are scheduling blog posts, twitter updates, etc. on […]