How many times have you said to yourself…”I need to have balance in my life”? I believe it is a mantra that we all own, but the question is, can you have it? Is there really such a thing as balance? What would it look like? And most importantly, would you be happier if you found it?
If you have been keeping up with my blog, you would remember that one of the reasons I resigned from my corporate position was because I had lost me. I had disappeared from the world and I was trying desperately not to vanish totally. I truly meant that and still do. However, the balance I was trying to find then is not the balance I am looking for now. As in everything in life, things change. When we were in our 20’s our definition of the ideal partner was someone out of a romance novel and we all know how that changed. In our 40’s and 50’s that definition evolved into someone intelligent, fun and confident. My definition of balance changed and with good reason….I started my own business…again.
Today I am hit with finding enough hours in the day to make things happen, adding the right people to my dream team, doing only the things that only I can do. finding others to do the rest and turning things off so that I can take a breath. These are very different pieces to my balancing act than they were 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago.
Recently, I have had some amazing opportunities grace my doorstep from some unusual sources. I don’t question their origin but rather embrace their existence. I have added to my circle of acquaintances and turned some into friends. My goals that I had given myself are within reach and I sometimes have to pinch myself to see if I am dreaming. The guidance and support I have had from the most unusual of places is overwhelming. Sometimes,in the quiet time of the day, you can find me in my favorite chair, music playing, phone turned off and just loving life.
You see, I have found the balance that I was searching for…for right now, for this part of my life, for me.