The “Queen of Weight Loss” is in the building.

The following is a video guest post by the “Queen of Weight Loss”. She shares her experiences climbing the ranks in the corporate world, and her transition to running her own company.


Empower Your Journey with Judy Hoberman

Unlock the secrets to breaking stereotypes and achieving success in sales. Connect with Judy Hoberman to learn how to build your personal brand and amplify your influence in the industry.

34 Responses

  1. Excellent video! I know Alisa and know she believes in God, herself, and all of the people she comes in contact with. You can’t help feeling better about yourself when you’re around Alisa because of her positive attitude and her promising outlook. She has so much more to share with all of us and I look forward to being friends for the next 100 years.

  2. There is great wisdom in what Alissa says in this brief bio video and I hope to apply this to my own life. I have only known Alissa for a brief time but she has already made a difference in my life. It is important to know that she gives God credit and works hard to acheive that which He has directed her to do. Let’s all strive to do what we love and trust God to put us where we need to be!

  3. WOW!!! What an amazing history of how you created your own success through overcoming obstacles, perseverance and sheer determination.
    You took uncomfortable lessons from your past and transformed them into positive pillars for your future.
    You blew by the naysayers and took possession of what was rightfully yours…. the promised blessings we receive through hard work, focus and an unshakable faith.

    1. Amy, you know better than to make me cry, I don’t have the words to express what you mean to me. I have known you for 17 years and become more amazed each day at your talents. You are a blessing!!!

  4. She not only talks the talk but Alisa walks the walk daily! My hope is this brief video gives women hope that if they have integrity, listen to God and follow their passion that the impact on themselves and others can be as exciting as the impact Alisa has had on me and others. Great video!

    1. Beverly,
      Thank you so much for what you wrote. I have known you for such a short time and you have made such an impact on me and others by your honesty and your willingness to share.
      Thanks again,

  5. I found Alissa through Skirt advertising. Hearing her story adds all the more weight to my feeling that her meetings are like religious experiences. She truly is doing God’s work, and her enthusiasm is infectious. I am grateful she has shared her passion for ‘work’ with me.

    1. Sweet Marilyn,
      YOU ARE SO KIND and I thank you for sharing your funny life stories with me. I am also glad that you found your way to TN and forever will be part of the ROYAL COURT!!!

  6. Our lives constantly are subjected to changes.
    If we need “self-improvement”, the QUEEN OF WEIGHT LOSS and the ROYAL COURT offer a sincere and supportive weight loss program that will knock your socks off!

  7. This is fabulous!! You truly look & sound amazing! I loved everything you said, and believe that any “young “(at heart) woman thinking of “spreading her wings” would find inspiration in your well chosen words. Your QoWL way of life has surely inspired me!!!

  8. To know Alisa is to love Alisa. We are all so proud of you! You are allowing Christ to shine through your challenges and scars and this is the true reflection of the work God has done in your life and can do in the life of others. Only God can take what was once a struggle and turn it into a victorious life used to help others. You are an inspiration to all who your story is told….so keep telling it and trust Christ for the great results! This is only the beginning!

  9. Gurrrrrrrrl, you know I love you, and I want you to know how very proud I am of you. Keep touching lives and making a difference. It’s what you’ve been called to do! XXXOOO

  10. What an inspiring testimony!!! Alisa it is so wonderful that you are making a difference in so many peoples lives & giving God all the glory. When you find your calling it just fits! Thank you so much for being that inspiration in my life! I’m so proud of you & of being part of “The Royal Court!”

    1. Julienne,
      What a joy it has been to get to know You and Gary, I love that as a couple you two are making the transformation together. I can’t wait to see what you two are getting ready to accomplish!!!

  11. I am so glad was able to beomce involved in your program. I feel like I have a new lease on life. Since I have lost this weight I physically and emotionally feel so much better. Thank you. Hugs

  12. Are we inspired yet? Meeting you and getting to know your philosophy, Alisa, has been life-changing for so many people. The knowledge that you have shared has enabled me to not only “live my life” but to LOVE my life…as the thinner and, most importantly, healthier person I was meant to be.

    1. Holly,
      I have stolen “LIVE AND LOVE MY LIFE” from you. Thank you for being such an inspiration each week in our meetings and helping so many people when no one else is watching. You help fuel my fire!!

  13. All I can truly say is “God knew what he was doing when he put Alisa in my path!” Through her knowledge, enthusiasm, compassion, encouragement and devotion to myself and many others, she has helped me change my life. She is such a blessing to me and will always have a special place in my heart!

  14. Alisa, God has given you a powerful testimony and in turn has given your Royal Court HOPE! Like Andy says to Red in The Shawshank Redemption “Hope is the best thing!” Thanks for hope Alisa! And thank you God for Alisa! Big thanks to your King and dearest Amy too!

    1. THANKS DEBORAH and yes God has blessed us all so much and a big thank you for helping me remember three of my greatest blessings, Mick, Amy and of course the Royal Court!!!

  15. You are so awesome!! Helping us change our lives for the better is a wonderful gift. I appreciate all the knowledge you possess and are willing to share.

  16. Wonderful!! You are the one who knows what to say and how to say it. You are an inspiration to me in my weightloss journey and now my own journey through business. 42 pounds in my 42nd year.I never thought I would ever be able to say that. You have helped me in so many ways and definately changed my life!! Thank you for being you and spreading your message. The Queen Rocks!!
    Congrats on this video and I look forward to many more!!!

  17. Thank you Laura and girlie what you have lost in weight, you have gained in wisdom. Not only did you make the decision to take control of your weight but also you took that momentum and used it to transform your business. It takes guts to put yourself out there and make sweeping changes for the world to see. Thank you for letting me be part of that.

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