Top 10 Networking Tips for Women-Zero to Sixty

Recently I was told that I have done more networking in the past 60 days than others have done in 6 months. How else do you get yourself out there? Yes it is based on who you know not what you know…isn’t everything? But, you have to get some skin in the game and that means stepping waaaay out of your comfort zone and doing what comes naturally…or in this case JUST DO IT!

So here are some Do’s about networking that I have come up with:

1-Explore many different groups and events so that you can see the dynamics of the groups

2-Dress professionally-Wear something so you are taken seriously

3-Be prepared with your 30 second explanation of what product or service you provide

4-Shake hands with everyone you meet. Sometimes a firm handshake breaks the ice

5-Bring business cards with you (as basic as this sounds, many people don’t)

6-When sharing what your product/service with others, ask what they provide

7-Sincerely listen to what others are saying to you

8-When appropriate, introduce others in your Circle of Influence to those you have met where there would could a mutually beneficial relationship

9-Follow up on all referrals you are given-these are a gift to you. Make sure you treat those the way you would want to be treated

10-Women build relationships in everything we do. Women are really good listeners, and, even at a networking event, we listen to what the other person needs so that we can help to make things happen

I cannot begin to tell you about the amazing people I have met. Some will be able to help my business grow, some will not but all are now in my Circle of Influence. Many times it is not the person you are talking to that may be instrumental in making things happen, it’s one of the ten people that they know. I want to be that person for others. Guess what?? I have already done that for some and to me that is what networking is all about.

Stay tuned for what NOT to do….

Empower Your Journey with Judy Hoberman

Unlock the secrets to breaking stereotypes and achieving success in sales. Connect with Judy Hoberman to learn how to build your personal brand and amplify your influence in the industry.

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