Celebrating Self-Worth: Voices of Women for International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day celebrates strength, resilience, and self-worth…the foundation of confidence, leadership, and success. This year, we had the privilege of gathering insights from a group of extraordinary women and men, each sharing their unique perspective on what self-worth means and how it shapes their lives. While we featured condensed versions of some of their responses (due to […]

Will You Make It Out To…..

a store front with the words barns and noble booksellers on it

Lots of people write books with the intent of being a best selling author.  There are all kinds of systems that you can put in place to make that happen online and when any of my friends do this, I am more than willing to offer my support. When I wrote my book, I wrote it […]

How To Get More Qualified Sales…It’s All About The Process

a woman standing in front of a blackboard with business drawings on it

Let’s talk about the sales process.  No matter the product, the industry, the length of time…the process is generally the process.  Where it begins and ends might be a little different for someone but again…the process is generally the process. I know many believe you are not in sales or don’t want to be considered […]

Feeding Your Mind

a brain with headphones on it is shown

A few months ago, I was in the airport and, as I always do, I people watch. Sometimes I simply watch and sometimes I engage in conversation. This particular day, our flight was delayed, and I was talking with a woman about where we were both going and was it business or pleasure. She was […]

Stop Being The Best-Kept Secret

a woman peeking out from behind blinds with her eyes wide open

It’s so funny when you think about how you show up in your business. We talk about being authentic and generous and courageous and passionate. But what does that look like? How do people get to participate in what you have to share? More importantly are you showing up at all or are you hoping […]

Enough Is Enough!

a napkin with the words i am the success story on it next to a cup of coffee

I would bet many of you have watch or were addicted to the Seinfeld show.  It was truly based on nothing and yet it was so relevant.  One of my favorite things that the cast did was say one word in an assortment of ways.  For instance seriously. It could be seriously? As in a […]

Words Matter

a quote that reads, your words matter choose them carefully

Whether you are in elementary school, in business or in your real-life setting, you need to be aware of the words you use because words can be powerful and that is what we will talk about today…how words matter. “Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. Words have energy and power with […]

Finding Time For Yourself

a woman covering her face with a clock

Finding your own time is not being selfish, and it should not have any cause for guilt. With the crazy, busy world we live in, finding time for yourself can be a huge challenge. As women we do experience guilt when we manage to find a few moments of time for ourselves and sometimes, we […]

Seeking Help Is Empowering!

a push for help sign on a metal wall

Asking for help means you aren’t smart enough to do something yourself.  Asking for help means that you are weak. Asking for help means you are in the wrong position in business.  Have you heard any of those statements before? They seem to follow us generation after generation and decade after decade. It’s time to […]

Wake Up And Smell The Coffee!

a woman sitting at a table holding a cup

In the early 1990s, I found myself as a single mom with two amazing children, I had just lost my mom and was recently divorced. It was a lot to handle and I had to figure out my next steps. I answered an ad in the newspaper…yes, a real newspaper with a classified section.  I […]

Do You Have What It Takes??

a black and white chess piece on a pink background

When we were kids playing outside, we would come up with all sorts of games.  Some involved running, some involved flying through the air on swings, and some involved balls to hit, throw or kick.  We were on teams and figured out who would do what and where. There always seemed to be one person […]

The Barriers We Create In Our Minds

a horse tied to a blue chair with the caption sometimes the thing that is holding you back is

Think about this… I was planning on putting on a telesummit with 25 other women.  I had hand-selected them, had the email invitation to them and was excited to be organizing and facilitating it….until that word creeped into my brain….I’m not big enough or famous enough or smart enough…I even threw in tall enough and […]