Are You Enough? Insight in the Dentist’s Chair…
It’s been awhile since I’ve written in my blog. Since I write a monologue every week for my radio show, it feels like I’ve been writing on a consistent basis but I soon realized that listening is different than reading. I promise to get back to writing and sharing my thoughts with […]
Top Women CEOs on How Innovation Drives Business
According To A Recent Article In Forbes, Today 26 Fortune 500 Companies Have Women CEOs. This is a great improvement over the past, and it bears study as these women have some interesting things to say about business in general and how innovation works to drive business growth. According to Denise Evans, a VP of […]
5 Tips to Empower the Entrepreneurial Woman
Entrepreneurial Women Are A Special Group. We sizzle with excitement and we are always busy and full of ideas! However, sometimes we may feel that our joy is stolen and our potential drained by those who want to keep us down. Here are five tips to empower any entrepreneurial woman and get her motivated […]
Ten Useful Tips For The First-Time Business Owner
Owning A Business Is Extremely Exciting; It Is Also Hard Work And It Is Easy To Make Mistakes! You will not avoid every mistake of a first-time business owner, but with the right guidance you can make good decisions and avoid the problems that may cause some business owners to give up. Hang in there; […]
Is There Really a Work/Life Balance?
Some people claim that they never find the balance between work and “real life.” In fact, one of the most common complaints from the women I speak to is that their careers seem to eat up their personal lives, leaving them no time for family and friends. In my book Selling in a Skirt as […]
Breaking the ‘Don’t Talk to Strangers’ Mentality
Women in Sales In my book Selling in a Skirt as well as in my new book PURE WEALTH: 26 Ways To Crazy Profitability, I address a topic that is very close to my heart: women in sales. I have seen all sorts of problems created when women buy into conventional wisdom about sales as […]
Are You a Woman in a Male-Dominated Business?
There is no doubt that it is tough for women to succeed in a male-dominated field, but tough does not mean impossible! Being in a male-dominated industry is tough when you accept less money instead of negotiate for what you’re worth, or if you come in not knowing your product or service and rely on […]
It’s The Little Things That Count
Here’s the scenario….you are in a restaurant way out of town. You have no connections or relationships there yet you are treated as if you have been going there forever… The Colonel and I decided to get out of town for the weekend. We headed northwest to a little town in Oklahoma….ok some of you […]
It’s All About Relationships
This past year, I have been featured on Fox Business News radio so many times and of course, I have my favorite stations and hosts. When I get my list of stations at 5am, I always look to see if I’ve been on their stations before and if we have a relationship built or if it’s […]
Determining Your Niche
Why is it that when someone asks who your target market is, the response many times is “everyone”? How can that be true? Is what you offer really good for the immediate world? The more you are able to describe and pinpoint your niche, the more profitable it will be. Others will understand who they […]
When the Corporate World is on Holiday
Looking back on Labor Day weekend it seemed like Corporate America completely shut down. Every email I sent out or call I made even days leading up to labor day were met with the same message: …I will be back in the office on September 3rd… I guess the “we need it yesterday” sense of […]
Famous Isn’t Enough
You’ve written your book, you’ve got a marketing plan set up, it’s all good and then….life happens. Not everyone is on the same page, things aren’t completed in the right order but guess what? You’ve written your book and that is something to be proud of so pat yourself on the back! In the midst […]