Bella Petite Radio Feature

Have you ever wondered about Social Media: The Power of Women Online?  Recently I was asked to join Ann Lauren of Bella Petite radio and Elizabeth Lions, economy expert to talk about the power women have as it relates to social media.  Of course we did bring it to face-to-face relationships as well.  A few great take aways […]

8 Sure Fire Tips To Being Appropriate, Professional & Feminine

Ok ladies, so we’ve come a long way but the importance of  being taken seriously and being professional hasn’t changed one iota over the past few decades. Back in the 70s we leaned all the way to the male side of fashion and donned suits and suspenders and confused everyone. In the past ten years […]

LAMP 2012 Video

In case you missed it in our newsletter, on our website, on facebook, or even on twitter, here is the full video of a talk I gave on the main platform at LAMP 2012 in Orlando Florida. Enjoy! About the video: Judy Hoberman of Selling In A Skirt rallies a crowd of over 1500 people at […]

So Many Decisions (and 3 tips to ensure you have your act together!)

One of the activities I love the most is to be a mentor for young women.  I believe this goes back to being the only female in many industries and having no female role model to follow. I knew I was missing something.  Over the past few years I have had the pleasure and honor […]

I’m On Youtube!

For those of you unfamiliar with my youtube channel, I just wanted to create a quick little post about what is going on over on that corner of the web in case it is something you could find some value in. Every week (for the next year at least) I release a short little sales […]

The Cover of ‘Exceptional People’ Magazine!

I am extremely happy to announce that Exceptional People Magazine featured me on the cover of their magazine! You can read the interview by clicking here. Or if you prefer to download it to print and read later you can do so by clicking here. Here is an excerpt from the interview: Monica: What are […]

Shelly’s Path To Entrepreneurship

The following is a guest post by Shelly Kulesza, CEO of As a guest blogger, Judy has asked me to share a little about my organization and the path I took to get here – the good, the bad, and the ugly. I am blessed that, for the most part, my path to entrepreneurism […]

5 Life Lessons From Ruth

The following is an outstanding guest post from Ruth Thoes Vivrett. It seems she has seen and done just about everything, and I know just about everyone could learn a thing or two from this post. Enter Ruth:   My father always used to say I had my daddy’s good looks and my mama’s disposition. Guess […]

Women Do It Three Times More Than Men

I was honored to be asked to guest blog for Kim Duke-The Sales Divas. I decided to write about ONE of the many differences between men and women…So what do women do three times more than men…. Ask questions! Every action, every moment of every day is taken only after DOZENS of questions have been […]

From Stay-at-Home Mom to Business Owner

My name is Barbara Doweidt, I was simply a stay at home mom. You know the type, your day starts at 6:00 AM getting kids up and ready for school. Spending your day making appointments, arranging schedules, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, gardening, then chauffeuring your children to their after school activities. My children are now […]

Easing Transition- The F7Group Mantra

It doesn’t seem as if transition is a difficult concept, yet millions of people are struggling with it.  Quite simply transition is defined as movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another.  It could be from one part of the country to another, from one position in a company […]