From Stay-at-Home Mom to Business Owner

My name is Barbara Doweidt, I was simply a stay at home mom. You know the type, your day starts at 6:00 AM getting kids up and ready for school. Spending your day making appointments, arranging schedules, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, gardening, then chauffeuring your children to their after school activities.

My children are now grown, one in college and one a senior in high school. Finally, it’s me time.

So I was looking for something to do. My husband and I stumbled on Koko FitClub and we knew this was something we really wanted to do. Finally a fitness club that made sense. But, we didn’t want to open a business in Wisconsin, because we did not plan on spending the rest of our lives there. Being we lived in Keller before, we decided that was a good place to open our business.

Well my husband had to keep his daytime job and my daughter (senior in high school) had to stay in Wisconsin, so I moved down to Keller Texas by myself to open our business.

At first you would think, yay a place to myself, no cleaning up after anyone, if I put ice cream in the freezer it will be there the next time I get a craving. That yay feeling went away after about a week of living alone, no dog, no busy kids, no cooking dinner for my husband. LONELY!!! And then on top of that I had to open a business. Did I mention I was a stay at home mom. I do not have a college degree, I knew nothing about opening a business. Honestly at times I wanted to quit and go home. But I couldn’t, too much had been invested. If it wasn’t for my very best friend Tina to let me be a part of her family when I needed it, things could have been a lot worse.

So I worked hard, did a lot of things I was afraid to do. Learned A LOT. And now my business is open, I have met so many wonderful people. There are so many people out there that truly want to see you succeed and will help you in any way to do just that.

With the business open I have surrounded myself with staff and members, so the lonely is gone. I do of course miss my family intensely, (mostly the dog…just kidding!) but life is better and when my daughter graduates she will move down and when our home sells my husband will get an apartment in Wisconsin and I will get a home (and the dog) and he will travel to visit as often as possible.
The business is doing well, and I am looking forward to opening the second location hopefully by the end of the year. I am still learning something new every day which is great, everyone should.

Barbara Doweidt
ba**@ma*.com (personal)
817-733-6613 cell

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