Are You Ready To Really Get SMART?
We are in our second week of January. How many of you still are following the guidelines you set for you New Year’s Resolutions? Everyone sets their resolutions…code name goals…with the greatest of intentions. Isn’t wanting a change enough to make it happen? If you’re not 100 percent committed to your goal, the odds of staying motivated are not […]
The Best Label To Put On A Child
Recently I was asked to be on CW33 TV to talk about my favorite label for a child- “Kidpreneurs” (Check out the video here!) Imagine a child that has entrepreneurial tendencies and can monetize that? Pretty powerful I would say! I did a lot of research about how kids can make money and spoke to some “experts” in the field. I […]
Hang On
So you are considering starting a new business, or perhaps adding a new program or maybe bringing someone in to work with you. You have a “plan” and on paper it is perfect….then reality sets in. Am I talking to you or has that just happened to me? For the past 9 months I have been working […]
The “Bait and Switch” Is Bad For Business
How many times have you listened to a speaker or attended a webinar and you are “hooked” and ready to continue on the path they have set for you? Well as a speaker and a trainer, I am always on the quest to learn more with current information. If you are a coach, you need […]
5 Unexpected Sources of Inspiration
Have you ever had something looming over your head? A project, a report, or even a blog post??? What inspires you to get it done? Sometimes it’s the deadline and sometimes it’s feeling that sense of accomplishment. I get my inspiration from many different areas. Here are 5 unexpected sources of inspiration for me. Hopefully […]
The Word is….
Did you sell lemonade when you were younger. Perhaps girl scout cookies were more up your alley? Or maybe you mowed lawns in your neighborhood….do you know what the common thread is between your first experience having a business as a child and jumping in and doing it as an adult? It’s a word that […]
So Many Decisions (and 3 tips to ensure you have your act together!)
One of the activities I love the most is to be a mentor for young women. I believe this goes back to being the only female in many industries and having no female role model to follow. I knew I was missing something. Over the past few years I have had the pleasure and honor […]
Don’t let the Acronym filled title throw you off! Wanted to quickly share a video that the creative people at I Wear Your Shirt put together to help announce my latest project Sales Training With A TWIST. They also wrote a blog post about it! Now, the project has not fully launched yet, but anyone […]
5 Tips to Stay “Client Focused” in 2012
1. People buy from people they like. It is important to spend time connecting with your prospect. It should only take 1-3 emails and the first 5 minutes of your appointment. 2. Assessing your client’s needs means identifying where the client is vs. where he/she wants to be. You then demonstrate how your product/service can fill the gap. 3. Remember […]
From Prospect To Appointment In 8 Easy Steps
Ready, Set… Step 1. Set a specific number of contacts or appointments as a goal for each calling session. Keep going down your list of prospects until you reach that goal number. Do not give yourself any breaks until your target is reached! Step 2. Block off time on your schedule for these calls and […]
The Cover of ‘Exceptional People’ Magazine!
I am extremely happy to announce that Exceptional People Magazine featured me on the cover of their magazine! You can read the interview by clicking here. Or if you prefer to download it to print and read later you can do so by clicking here. Here is an excerpt from the interview: Monica: What are […]
Networking and selling only work if you ask the right question, do you want to buy?
At the age of 19 I started my first business I had an office, a phone and a typewriter (yep we are talking pre computers here). Luckily, I did realise people needed to know I was there and so I placed a 4 line ad in the local paper telling them who I was and […]