The Keys To Confidence?

Recently I have been speaking to companies, corporations, Associations and individuals about a topic that had not been one that we would publicly speak about. No it’s not sex, drugs, religion or any of the taboo topics. It’s one that until now, many of us hid…and did it quite well. The topic is CONFIDENCE and […]
The Value Of Coaching
When I started my company in 2009, one of the first things I did was to understand what I didn’t know how to do. I loved people, I could sell, I wanted to make a difference and always wanted to bring value. All sounds great so far right? What I didn’t really know how to […]
Getting Your Message Out
When you start a new business, one of the first things you do is to create a product or service that is ideal for your target market. You set the price, you have the features and benefits and you are ready to rock and roll. Until you realize that you don’t know how to let […]
What Would You Do-Over?
I was thinking about some of the things that have happened in my life, both the amazing and the not so much fun times. I started daydreaming about the woulda, coulda, shoulda ways the outcome might have been different and realized that things happen just as they are supposed to and that everything we do […]
Making Your Sales Relationship Into A Selling Relationship
Making Your Sales Relationship Into A Selling Relationship Building relationships requires time, effort and patience. It requires a strategy unique to each situation and prospect. It doesn’t mean developing a shrewd approach to ingratiate yourself with your prospects. If your approach is not heartfelt, it won’t work because […]
It’s The Little Things That Count
Here’s the scenario….you are in a restaurant way out of town. You have no connections or relationships there yet you are treated as if you have been going there forever… The Colonel and I decided to get out of town for the weekend. We headed northwest to a little town in Oklahoma….ok some of you […]
It’s All About Relationships
This past year, I have been featured on Fox Business News radio so many times and of course, I have my favorite stations and hosts. When I get my list of stations at 5am, I always look to see if I’ve been on their stations before and if we have a relationship built or if it’s […]
Study: Can men or women tolerate more pain?
Sometimes I have to laugh at the studies that are done that make the news. Many times though, these studies are just updates from previous ones and sometimes they think they are making an old study current. In any case, this particular study about who tolerates more pain is definitely an oldie but a goodie….depending on where you […]
Selling In A Skirt: A Review
Sometimes opportunities come to you in the most incredible ways. A woman was at a meeting and was talking about me to another member. A third woman heard the conversation and asked for my information. That woman gave my information to yet another woman who contacted me and asked if I would speak at a […]
According to, commitment is defined as: a pledge or promise; obligation. We all have made commitments and try our best to keep them. The other day I was watching a form of commitment that gave new meaning to the word. I wanted to share this with you. From my back door you can see trees, flowers, my pool and lots […]
Content Roundup: 5 Parts of the “SIAS” Universe You May Not Know About
Videos There are two places online you can see the complete collection of videos created about Selling In A Skirt. One is by clicking here to visit our video page. or clicking here to visit the Selling In A Skirt YouTube channel. Press Selling In A Skirt has been featured in over a dozen […]
The “Bait and Switch” Is Bad For Business
How many times have you listened to a speaker or attended a webinar and you are “hooked” and ready to continue on the path they have set for you? Well as a speaker and a trainer, I am always on the quest to learn more with current information. If you are a coach, you need […]