The following is a guest post by Dawn Stebbing from Dawn is an AICI (Association of Image Consultants International) member, a graduate of Elaine Stoltz Image Institute, a Certified Leadership Coach, a Certified Core Passion® facilitator, Licensed Cosmetologist, graduate of the Aveda Institute
, and the Regional Vice President, Arbonne International. Enter Dawn-

I am a fashion beauty expert. I teach women on how to save time, money by creating a stress-free wardrobe where they look fabulous every day they walk out their door.
I wasn’t always into fashion but I always admired beautiful women ever since I was little. I would say to myself, “someday I want to look just like her”. I truly believe when you say things to yourself out loud you internalize it and own it and I believe I did just that.

That would take me to where I am today, but I can honestly say it wasn’t an easy task. Ever since I was a little girl growing up in large strict Catholic family and not encouraged to go on to college, I always knew that I never wanted to settle, I knew there was something bigger and better for me out there and it was up to me to find it. I have had a lot of challenges along the way, to mention a few, being a young single mom raising two boys by myself. I have moved many times in the years, and have had several jobs, not always enjoying what I was doing but needed the money. Twenty four years ago I met and married my husband now and have been happy ever since.
Throughout the years I have had the opportunity to explore and take risks that I would have never been able to do if I would have let another person hold me back from experiencing my own successes. The challenges on my journey have led me to where I am today. One thing I was always sure of, I was never a failure; I was just one step closer to my goal in life.

I was unsettled, not quite sure how to move forward until one day I discovered the Myers Briggs test. I found I had 5 areas of interest, Real Estate, Sales and Marketing, Beautician, Insurance and Travel. I researched every one of them to find the one that had the least amount of schooling. I ended up going to beauty school, I finally had a CAREER! I became a licensed Cosmetologist and worked at one of the top salons in Minnesota. I worked for 13 years and started to feel unsettled again, until one day a friend of mine introduced me to a Skin Care and Cosmetic Company. You see each time I was unsettled, I was just at a crossroads looking for direction and purpose.

Today I can finally put the words to how I am feeling and who I am. As I look back I have found out a lot about myself, I work best when I am alone, I am confident, creative, a leader, a visionary, owner, CEO, and a partner. Image Evolution Consulting, LLC is my business today. I work with women on finding their true core passion, what drives them to do what they do, so they can move forward and conquer the world. We help them find words to their inner passions and work on enhancing their outer beauty. It is a holistic approach to uncovering that unique person you were set out to be. It is all about evolving from where you are, to where you want to be.

“When you look good – you feel good, when you feel good – you perform better, when you perform better- good things come your way” quote by Dawn Stebbing

Dawn Stebbing


Image Credit: danagraves


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