Ten Useful Tips For The First-Time Business Owner

Owning A Business Is Extremely Exciting; It Is Also Hard Work And It Is Easy To Make Mistakes! You will not avoid every mistake of a first-time business owner, but with the right guidance you can make good decisions and avoid the problems that may cause some business owners to give up.  Hang in there; […]

It’s The Little Things That Count

Here’s the scenario….you are in a restaurant way out of town. You have no connections or relationships there yet you are treated as if you have been going there forever… The Colonel and I decided to get out of town for the weekend. We headed northwest to a little town in Oklahoma….ok some of you […]

Can’t I Help Everyone?

If you ask some entrepreneurs and would-be business owners who their ideal client is, they will say, “Everyone.” Of course, that can’t be true. Not everyone needs everything or anything. (Truth be told, women are the worst at this. Why? Our nature is to want to help everyone rather than define a niche group of […]

“Act As If”- Notes on Time Management

Time management is one of the hardest concepts entrepreneurs have to grasp, especially when it means working from home. Many people find the transition from an office routine to the self-employed lifestyle confusing, because there are no rules. The only person holding you accountable to putting in a full day’s work is you, and the […]

Shiny Objects

How in the world does anyone expect you to get anything done when there are so many interesting distractions around?  For instance, I made a major goal for myself to complete my 2nd book and have it printed and shipped to CA for an event by March 1st.  And, that would probably not be too […]

Are You Ready To Really Get SMART?

We are in our second week of January.  How many of you still are following the guidelines you set for you New Year’s Resolutions?  Everyone sets their resolutions…code name goals…with the greatest of intentions. Isn’t wanting a change enough to make it happen?  If you’re not 100 percent committed to your goal, the odds of staying motivated are not […]

Did You Hear The Same Message I Heard?

Recently I was asked to be a Team Leader at a 3-day business conference. When I attended the conference years ago, I listened to the messages over the 3-days as a beginner in business. I thought everything made some sense but it was like drinking from a fire hose. So much information and so many […]

Soaring Further: Radio Interview

Back in May I was Interviewed by Elizabeth Mccormick. Her radio show Soaring Further is designed to be a “Daily dose of inspiration” and I couldn’t agree more! To see the full interview, click here to listen! To read more about Elizabeth, see below! Elizabeth McCormick has travelled the country as an inspirational speaker, relating the challenges […]

The Olympics -The Best In The World???

I love the olympics. I cry when our National Anthem is played and hold my breath as someone’s dream is shattered by a hundredth of a tenth of a  second. The summer olympics show the speed of the runners, the agility of the gymnasts and the synchronization of the swimmers. The winter olympics gives you […]

“You Won’t Like Me When We Are Finished”

… That’s how my strategy session began.  Not very comforting I would say. In truth, I trusted this friend and if I wasn’t ready to hear the harsh truth, I wouldn’t have asked for his help. So we began by defining a few categories, those that brought in money and those that didn’t, what absolutely […]

What’s Your Personality Type?

The other day I was asked if I was available to respond to an article that would air on the radio…..If you’ve read my previous blog posts, you know my philosophy is to be prepared and accept the challenge. So of course I said “Yes!” without hesitation. One radio interview turned into 11 and it was […]

Bella Petite Radio Feature

Have you ever wondered about Social Media: The Power of Women Online?  Recently I was asked to join Ann Lauren of Bella Petite radio and Elizabeth Lions, economy expert to talk about the power women have as it relates to social media.  Of course we did bring it to face-to-face relationships as well.  A few great take aways […]