
The definition of being vulnerable is: Susceptible to physical or emotional injury; Susceptible to attack; Open to censure or criticism.  These are certainly not positive thoughts that you want to have to start your day.  However, I was just sent a video by one of my closest girlfriends that put a new spin on a not so […]

What Is The Message Women Are Giving?

We all know there are differences between men and women. Studies have been done that document the differences in both genders in building relationships, communication skills and a host of other differences. But that is not where it ends. Many times women don’t give themselves enough credit and do not self-promote their accomplishments. This becomes […]

Hear Ye Hear Ye

Click here to listen -> Selling In A Skirt Interview I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Radical Success Coach, Doreen Rainey. She wanted to know about ‘Selling In A Skirt’ and why it is important in today’s marketplace. In less than 20 minutes I share about the ‘Selling In A Skirt” background, philosophy, […]

A Promise Is A Promise

One of the many things on my ToDo list was to get my blog up to date…by my birthday…which is today. So let me give the Reader’s Digest condensed version of the missing weeks so we will be up to date as of October 12, 2010. I believe I am about 4 weeks behind so […]

One of the MOST Meaningful Days in a Long Time

When the meeting was over, we all headed out for the tailgate party. The rain had stopped but the wind was whipping. It was a lot of fun and I got to talk to everyone and they all wished me well in my new endeavor and said so many wonderful things to me. I was […]

Phase III

If there was nothing in my way, and I could do whatever I wanted, I would want to bring value to groups of people with information that would help to make them successful and travel around to different locations doing that.  Confusing? Clear as mud to me.  What will the content be?  I already have […]


As I scanned the back of the room and saw everyone from the Agency there, it suddenly made sense why those that were supposed to be there kept me at the front of the room for ridiculous reasons i.e. can you move this box, can we talk about whatever…Inspector Clouseau at your service. I was […]

Caged Tiger Anyone?

After getting back from my adventure in IN, I was now “grounded” from traveling.  If you haven’t learned anything about my personality yet, I’m not an office person so this was a hard pill to swallow.  I didn’t really understand the reasoning behind this as I did ask if I could travel and was told […]

South Bend, The Final Frontier

Sorry it’s been a while but I was preparing for a training. Ok so now I am in robotic mode.  I am finishing anything that is not 100% completed so that when I am gone,  whomever steps into my shoes will be ready to go.  I’m also not going to be given anything new…makes sense […]

Waterproof Mascara is a Must

After shutting off all communications for the weekend, I decided to listen to all my voice mails and read all my texts and emails.  A few thought I was full of it with my reason for leaving but in reality were just plain worried about me.  The majority of the messages brought me to tears, […]