Delegating and Smiling….Is That An Oxymoron?
I don’t know about you but I would like to admit I am a control freak…not in the freakiest of the sense but a freak just the same. To me it is just easier if I do everything rather than teaching, showing, training, suggesting or any other term you want to you, anyone else. But […]
Gender Equality…Who Is Listening?
International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on March 8th. It is a day to recognize the achievements of many women and inspire others. It has been a tradition since the early 1900’s and with each year the number of women that join the events of this amazing day grows. There are events world wide […]
As I scanned the back of the room and saw everyone from the Agency there, it suddenly made sense why those that were supposed to be there kept me at the front of the room for ridiculous reasons i.e. can you move this box, can we talk about whatever…Inspector Clouseau at your service. I was […]
Final Graduating Class
Before I let you know whether or not I met the request to do the last training, there was actually a few other “final” activities to complete. I had the incredible opportunity to help create our internal University. I was also given the honor to facilitate this training and the June session was fast approaching. […]
South Bend, The Final Frontier
Sorry it’s been a while but I was preparing for a training. Ok so now I am in robotic mode. I am finishing anything that is not 100% completed so that when I am gone, whomever steps into my shoes will be ready to go. I’m also not going to be given anything new…makes sense […]
Waterproof Mascara is a Must
After shutting off all communications for the weekend, I decided to listen to all my voice mails and read all my texts and emails. A few thought I was full of it with my reason for leaving but in reality were just plain worried about me. The majority of the messages brought me to tears, […]
Who Knew?
I would soon realize that 8 weeks is a very long time to give notice? Let me just assure you that it is. I was pretty good at keeping secrets, but this one was tough. There were some people that were leaving the Company and of course it is only natural for people to ask […]
Now It’s A Secret
Let’s go back to the title of the blog for a minute. Change is Inevitable, Growth is Optional. I’m wondering if you thought about this and if it makes any sense to you? Before I made the decision to leave, I knew that I could stay where I was and exist. But there was change […]
Getting The Words Out Of My Mouth
The following week I had a friend stay with me while here on business. We talked and talked and we both had major decisions to ake in our lives. She has the perfect relationship at home and needed to make her professional life more meaningful. I was trying to find myself in both my personal […]