So Many Decisions (and 3 tips to ensure you have your act together!)

One of the activities I love the most is to be a mentor for young women.  I believe this goes back to being the only female in many industries and having no female role model to follow. I knew I was missing something.  Over the past few years I have had the pleasure and honor […]

5 Tips to Stay “Client Focused” in 2012

1. People buy from people they like. It is important to spend time connecting with your prospect. It should only take 1-3 emails and the first 5 minutes of your appointment. 2. Assessing your client’s needs means identifying where the client is vs. where he/she wants to be. You then demonstrate how your product/service can fill the gap. 3. Remember […]

I’m On Youtube!

For those of you unfamiliar with my youtube channel, I just wanted to create a quick little post about what is going on over on that corner of the web in case it is something you could find some value in. Every week (for the next year at least) I release a short little sales […]

Prospecting Habits- The 3 Most Important Ones Used By Successful Salespeople

Don’t Multitask –  Done thing at a time and finish it before moving to the next. Studies conducted at MIT show that our brain does not focus well on more than one thing. Multi-tasking is an illusion and your IQ drops as much as 10 points when you are multitasking!   Get Organized –  Don’t waste […]

The Cover of ‘Exceptional People’ Magazine!

I am extremely happy to announce that Exceptional People Magazine featured me on the cover of their magazine! You can read the interview by clicking here. Or if you prefer to download it to print and read later you can do so by clicking here. Here is an excerpt from the interview: Monica: What are […]

Determination: The Recipe for Success

The following is a guest post by Elizabeth Ann Stewart founder of the  Brain and Body Wellness Center. I grew up with an extremely unreal expectation of what it would take to be successful. After all, Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears just had to sing and dance and they were rich and famous! If I built a […]

Are You In Transition?

According to, transition is “movement, passage, or change from one position, state,stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change: the transition from adolescence to adulthood.” It seems there is an awful lot of people in transition these days. The most common form seem to be those in a career transition. Either they have been promoted right out of […]

Women Do It Three Times More Than Men

I was honored to be asked to guest blog for Kim Duke-The Sales Divas. I decided to write about ONE of the many differences between men and women…So what do women do three times more than men…. Ask questions! Every action, every moment of every day is taken only after DOZENS of questions have been […]

Gender Equality…Who Is Listening?

International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on March 8th.  It is a day to recognize the achievements of many women and inspire others.  It has been a tradition since the early 1900’s and with each year the number of women that join the events of this amazing day grows.  There are events world wide […]

To Do or Not To Do – 5 Steps to Staying Productive

Being productive has never been an issue for me.  I have been told I am very productive and as my last post showed, I’m also very focused.  Of course everyone tells me that I make it look so easy.  Here’s the secret, I need to make it look easy to me in order for me […]

“Qualifying on the Phone”: Part 4- Building Relationships

Here are some realities about the distinct ways men and women approach selling. Men tend to be more direct on the phone. They call a prospect and go straight into the sales presentation. They tend to be driven to get the job done. They will then repeat the process and the system is easy to duplicate. The purpose […]