Chapter Officially Closed…Well Mostly
Of course, wouldn’t you know that my plane was delayed? I was working with a very small window in order to see my daughter and it didn’t look like it was going to
Of course, wouldn’t you know that my plane was delayed? I was working with a very small window in order to see my daughter and it didn’t look like it was going to
Well this is now the last week of work and it’s clean up time. I’ve already carried out one of my awards every day so that I wouldn’t have to figure out how
Well I did go to Chicago for that final training. Here’s what I weighed: I had no new projects and all my projects were done. I got the thumbs up from everyone and
As I scanned the back of the room and saw everyone from the Agency there, it suddenly made sense why those that were supposed to be there kept me at the front of
Before I let you know whether or not I met the request to do the last training, there was actually a few other “final” activities to complete. I had the incredible opportunity to
After getting back from my adventure in IN, I was now “grounded” from traveling. If you haven’t learned anything about my personality yet, I’m not an office person so this was a hard
I know it’s been a few weeks since I left you hanging about my IN trip but I’m in the midst of closing a chapter of my life and beginning a new one.
Sorry it’s been a while but I was preparing for a training. Ok so now I am in robotic mode. I am finishing anything that is not 100% completed so that when I
After shutting off all communications for the weekend, I decided to listen to all my voice mails and read all my texts and emails. A few thought I was full of it with
I would soon realize that 8 weeks is a very long time to give notice? Let me just assure you that it is. I was pretty good at keeping secrets, but this one
Let’s go back to the title of the blog for a minute. Change is Inevitable, Growth is Optional. I’m wondering if you thought about this and if it makes any sense to you?
The following week I had a friend stay with me while here on business. We talked and talked and we both had major decisions to ake in our lives. She has the perfect