Joining the WBENC

How many of you have had something looming over your head for days, weeks, months? Be honest. Let me tell you about my special “project” that I just couldn’t seem to get done. As many of you already know, I am a company owned by a woman….me.  It stands to reason that I should have the designation […]

LAMP 2012 Video

In case you missed it in our newsletter, on our website, on facebook, or even on twitter, here is the full video of a talk I gave on the main platform at LAMP 2012 in Orlando Florida. Enjoy! About the video: Judy Hoberman of Selling In A Skirt rallies a crowd of over 1500 people at […]


Don’t let the Acronym filled title throw you off! Wanted to quickly share a video that the creative people at I Wear Your Shirt put together to help announce my latest project Sales Training With A TWIST. They also wrote a blog post about it! Now, the project has not fully launched yet, but anyone […]

5 Tips to Stay “Client Focused” in 2012

1. People buy from people they like. It is important to spend time connecting with your prospect. It should only take 1-3 emails and the first 5 minutes of your appointment. 2. Assessing your client’s needs means identifying where the client is vs. where he/she wants to be. You then demonstrate how your product/service can fill the gap. 3. Remember […]

The Cover of ‘Exceptional People’ Magazine!

I am extremely happy to announce that Exceptional People Magazine featured me on the cover of their magazine! You can read the interview by clicking here. Or if you prefer to download it to print and read later you can do so by clicking here. Here is an excerpt from the interview: Monica: What are […]

Women Do It Three Times More Than Men

I was honored to be asked to guest blog for Kim Duke-The Sales Divas. I decided to write about ONE of the many differences between men and women…So what do women do three times more than men…. Ask questions! Every action, every moment of every day is taken only after DOZENS of questions have been […]

Easing Transition- The F7Group Mantra

It doesn’t seem as if transition is a difficult concept, yet millions of people are struggling with it.  Quite simply transition is defined as movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another.  It could be from one part of the country to another, from one position in a company […]

It Was Down To The Wire, And We Made It

How many of you have an idea in your head that you just know should be a book? I bet everyone reading this is nodding their head. I love to write and have always written in a journal or back then it was a diary. It was someplace to share your thoughts and dreams and it was for […]

Gender Equality…Who Is Listening?

International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on March 8th.  It is a day to recognize the achievements of many women and inspire others.  It has been a tradition since the early 1900’s and with each year the number of women that join the events of this amazing day grows.  There are events world wide […]

Do We Really Need Two Separate Training Programs??

Every time I am speaking about the differences between men and women in the workplace, I find that more and more people are becoming aware that the differences can be advantageous, if we understand them.  Since women are now responsible for 86% of consumer products purchasing, including insurance, cars and appliances, you would think everyone […]

“Qualifying on the Phone”: Part 4- Building Relationships

Here are some realities about the distinct ways men and women approach selling. Men tend to be more direct on the phone. They call a prospect and go straight into the sales presentation. They tend to be driven to get the job done. They will then repeat the process and the system is easy to duplicate. The purpose […]

Focus: Keeping Your Eye on the Prize

This past year has been the year of the unknown.  What was I going to do? Where was I going to do it? How would I get this idea off the ground? Why would anyone listen? What did I want to be when I grew up?  Have you been there?  Are you there now?  I thought so […]