A Sense of Entitlement….Even on Christmas Day? Really?
We all know now stressful the holiday season can be. Did you get the right present? Will the recipient love it? Is the menu going to satisfy the taste buds of everyone involved ? Even with that and more, most people are grateful for their families and their friends. It’s wonderful to be sharing this […]
Soaring Further: Radio Interview
Back in May I was Interviewed by Elizabeth Mccormick. Her radio show Soaring Further is designed to be a “Daily dose of inspiration” and I couldn’t agree more! To see the full interview, click here to listen! To read more about Elizabeth, see below! Elizabeth McCormick has travelled the country as an inspirational speaker, relating the challenges […]
The Olympics -The Best In The World???
I love the olympics. I cry when our National Anthem is played and hold my breath as someone’s dream is shattered by a hundredth of a tenth of a second. The summer olympics show the speed of the runners, the agility of the gymnasts and the synchronization of the swimmers. The winter olympics gives you […]
Courage To Fail
How many times have you thought you had a great idea, but were so sure you were the only one who would agree with you? Or perhaps you wanted to meet someone but were to afraid that they wouldn’t want to meet you back? More often than not we decide not to try something new […]
According to dictionary.com, commitment is defined as: a pledge or promise; obligation. We all have made commitments and try our best to keep them. The other day I was watching a form of commitment that gave new meaning to the word. I wanted to share this with you. From my back door you can see trees, flowers, my pool and lots […]
Joining the WBENC
How many of you have had something looming over your head for days, weeks, months? Be honest. Let me tell you about my special “project” that I just couldn’t seem to get done. As many of you already know, I am a company owned by a woman….me. It stands to reason that I should have the designation […]
So Many Decisions (and 3 tips to ensure you have your act together!)
One of the activities I love the most is to be a mentor for young women. I believe this goes back to being the only female in many industries and having no female role model to follow. I knew I was missing something. Over the past few years I have had the pleasure and honor […]
So What’s Next… For Me?
It’s always funny when someone suggests something for you to do but doesn’t actually do it. Like someone talking to you about sales but has never sold anything, or a choreographer that has never danced. Last week I gave you some thoughts to consider and told you that if you shared your thoughts with me, […]
So What’s Next?
As we get into the craziness of the holidays, we seem to let things go and blame it on the craziness of the holidays…there is a pattern here. For me, I have been lax on my blog posts because after all, isn’t everyone too busy to read what I have to say? I decided this […]
Are You In Transition?
According to dictionary.com, transition is “movement, passage, or change from one position, state,stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change: the transition from adolescence to adulthood.” It seems there is an awful lot of people in transition these days. The most common form seem to be those in a career transition. Either they have been promoted right out of […]
5 Life Lessons From Ruth
The following is an outstanding guest post from Ruth Thoes Vivrett. It seems she has seen and done just about everything, and I know just about everyone could learn a thing or two from this post. Enter Ruth: My father always used to say I had my daddy’s good looks and my mama’s disposition. Guess […]
From Stay-at-Home Mom to Business Owner
My name is Barbara Doweidt, I was simply a stay at home mom. You know the type, your day starts at 6:00 AM getting kids up and ready for school. Spending your day making appointments, arranging schedules, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, gardening, then chauffeuring your children to their after school activities. My children are now […]