It’s always funny when someone suggests something for you to do but doesn’t actually do it.  Like someone talking to you about sales but has never sold anything, or a choreographer that has never danced.

Last week I gave you some thoughts to consider and told you that if you shared your thoughts with me, I would possibly share it with my community of amazing people.  I also mentioned that you didn’t have to share them but that if you did, it would become a reality.  So I decided to share my thoughts with you.


1-When I resigned from my position a few years ago, I immediately got a business coach.  Doreen Rainey was a gift from above.  We sat in a room for 8 hours and talked about what I would do if I couldn’t fail and if age, time and money were not issues.  My long term dream would be to own an upscale bar on an island where everyone knew everyone and people came there to share their dreams and passions.  But that was for later and this is for now.  So we brainstormed and Selling In A Skirt was born.

For 2012, my goal is to get my message out both nationally and internationally and I am working hard to make it happen by Q2.


2-In 24 months, I am living in a city, not the suburbs.  I’m not sure if it is Dallas as I’m still weighing the options. I live in a high rise building with a doorman on a floor higher than 10.  The building has all the amenities that make it feel like a home and not an apartment.  I am in a loving and committed relationship with a man that I was introduced to by a friend. He “gets” me and we have mutual respect.  We travel abroad quite often and try to tie that in with my speaking in Europe and Asia, but no matter we go anyway.

My online training site has been up and running for awhile and I have met so many amazing people through the memberships.  I am concentrating on working with Veterans and that is extremely rewarding.  My book has been translated into many different languages and my 2nd and 3rd books are doing better than anticipated.

Life is good.


3-My next great thing is to do more mentoring. Since my online training will help to leverage my time, I can give back and help young women starting out get the mentoring I would have benefited from if I had one so many years ago.

I would also like to help prepare young men and women for the real working world.  Businesses assume the Universities will prepare them and Universities assume Businesses will prepare them. We all know what happens when you assume now don’t we.  If I can help make the process smoother, how exciting it would be to me.


So there you have it.  My realities for 2012… to share yours now?

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