Just Another Year?

It’s New Year’s Eve and the ball is dropping, the seconds are being counted backwards and WOW! It’s now 2013.  Can you believe it? Are you ready for another year?  Is it going to be a great year or is it going to be JUST ANOTHER YEAR! Everyone has their set of resolutions.  Some are repeated […]

A Sense of Entitlement….Even on Christmas Day? Really?

We all know now stressful the holiday season can be. Did you get the right present? Will the recipient love it? Is the menu going to satisfy the taste buds of everyone involved ? Even with that and more, most people are grateful for their families and their friends. It’s wonderful to be sharing this […]

Did You Hear The Same Message I Heard?

Recently I was asked to be a Team Leader at a 3-day business conference. When I attended the conference years ago, I listened to the messages over the 3-days as a beginner in business. I thought everything made some sense but it was like drinking from a fire hose. So much information and so many […]

Study: Can men or women tolerate more pain?

Sometimes I have to laugh at the studies that are done that make the news. Many times though, these studies are just updates from previous ones and sometimes they think they are making an old study current. In any case, this particular study about who tolerates more pain is definitely an oldie but a goodie….depending on where you […]

Shopping For A Candidate

Everywhere you look, listen or read the elections are in front of you. Everyone has a different opinion as to which candidate should hold the highest position in our country.  More than that though, the focus seems to be on the “Gender Gap” In one article it stated that if only women voted they would […]

It’s All About Relationships

  We are constantly told that in this economy people are looking to build relationships. They want to do business with those they like and trust. It makes perfect sense to me. Recently on my honeymoon trip to Italy, I was constantly reminded how relationships are everything. In the small towns, people waited to see […]

The Best Label To Put On A Child

Recently I was asked to be on CW33 TV to talk about my favorite label for a child- “Kidpreneurs”  (Check out the video here!)  Imagine a child that has entrepreneurial tendencies and can monetize that?  Pretty powerful I would say! I did a lot of research about how kids can make money and spoke to some “experts” in the field. I […]

Soaring Further: Radio Interview

Back in May I was Interviewed by Elizabeth Mccormick. Her radio show Soaring Further is designed to be a “Daily dose of inspiration” and I couldn’t agree more! To see the full interview, click here to listen! To read more about Elizabeth, see below! Elizabeth McCormick has travelled the country as an inspirational speaker, relating the challenges […]

Selling In A Skirt: A Review

Sometimes opportunities come to you in the most incredible ways.  A woman was at a meeting and was talking about me to another member.  A third woman heard the conversation and asked for my information.  That woman gave my information to yet another woman who contacted me and asked if I would speak at a […]

The Olympics -The Best In The World???

I love the olympics. I cry when our National Anthem is played and hold my breath as someone’s dream is shattered by a hundredth of a tenth of a  second. The summer olympics show the speed of the runners, the agility of the gymnasts and the synchronization of the swimmers. The winter olympics gives you […]

“You Won’t Like Me When We Are Finished”

… That’s how my strategy session began.  Not very comforting I would say. In truth, I trusted this friend and if I wasn’t ready to hear the harsh truth, I wouldn’t have asked for his help. So we began by defining a few categories, those that brought in money and those that didn’t, what absolutely […]