Will You Make It Out To…..

a store front with the words barns and noble booksellers on it

Lots of people write books with the intent of being a best selling author.  There are all kinds of systems that you can put in place to make that happen online and when any of my friends do this, I am more than willing to offer my support. When I wrote my book, I wrote it […]

How To Get More Qualified Sales…It’s All About The Process

a woman standing in front of a blackboard with business drawings on it

Let’s talk about the sales process.  No matter the product, the industry, the length of time…the process is generally the process.  Where it begins and ends might be a little different for someone but again…the process is generally the process. I know many believe you are not in sales or don’t want to be considered […]

Stop Being The Best-Kept Secret

a woman peeking out from behind blinds with her eyes wide open

It’s so funny when you think about how you show up in your business. We talk about being authentic and generous and courageous and passionate. But what does that look like? How do people get to participate in what you have to share? More importantly are you showing up at all or are you hoping […]

Wake Up And Smell The Coffee!

a woman sitting at a table holding a cup

In the early 1990s, I found myself as a single mom with two amazing children, I had just lost my mom and was recently divorced. It was a lot to handle and I had to figure out my next steps. I answered an ad in the newspaper…yes, a real newspaper with a classified section.  I […]

Do You Have What It Takes??

a black and white chess piece on a pink background

When we were kids playing outside, we would come up with all sorts of games.  Some involved running, some involved flying through the air on swings, and some involved balls to hit, throw or kick.  We were on teams and figured out who would do what and where. There always seemed to be one person […]

The Barriers We Create In Our Minds

a horse tied to a blue chair with the caption sometimes the thing that is holding you back is

Think about this… I was planning on putting on a telesummit with 25 other women.  I had hand-selected them, had the email invitation to them and was excited to be organizing and facilitating it….until that word creeped into my brain….I’m not big enough or famous enough or smart enough…I even threw in tall enough and […]

The Power To Change

a neon sign that says change on it

In 2009, I knew I wasn’t in the right place. I tried to make myself fit in. Since I’ve always felt like a square peg in a round hole for most of my life, this wasn’t a new sensation. But something was different. I was looking for a sign or an opportunity or someone to […]

Are You Hearing What I’m Saying?

two little girls sitting on a bench with the caption i know you think you understand what you thought

Think about this…as a speaker, you have an event coming up. You talk to the organizer or meeting planner about who the audience is, what their expectations are and what the message they want you to share and are prepared to accomplish that. You review your talking points and are excited to really offer the […]

Your Most Powerful Tool Is Your Mind…

two hands holding pink balls with yellow labels on them

If you are old enough to remember floppy disks, syntax errors, bits and bytes and Dos, you will also remember thinking and wondering why you didn’t get every piece of information that you needed pouring out at your request. Unfortunately, we were reminded that what you put in, is what you get out. That is […]

Working Remotely…Are You Prepared?

a woman sitting at a table with a laptop

Other than 2 years of my career, I have always been an entrepreneur working from home.  Yes, I’ve gone to an office, facilitated training in an office, recruited in an office and had team meetings in an office…but the majority of my time, was working from home.  I don’t remember if anyone gave me a […]

The Value Of Coaching

When I started my company in 2009, one of the first things I did was to understand what I didn’t know how to do. I loved people, I could sell, I wanted to make a difference and always wanted to bring value.  All sounds great so far right? What I didn’t really know how to […]

Business Or Expensive Hobby

  Here’s the scenario…you decide you have something that will solve a solution for others.  You’ve researched the market through surveys, focus groups and lots of connections. This is what you’ve been put here to do and so now you do as Nike as reminded you for decades and you “Just Do It” and voila […]