Too Yummy To Share

Sometimes you are given the task of coming up with amazing food to serve to your amazing friends for the first time as a married couple.  That was us on New Year’s Eve.  We wanted to make it a special evening as this was the beginning of a new chapter of our lives. I immediately […]

The Hubbub About Gender Balance

The following is a guest post by Katie K. Snapp, Author of “Skirt Strategies: 249 Success Tips for Women in Leadership” and  Founder of Enjoy! Imagine yourself walking your dog on a lovely day. Fresh air, plenty of sunshine, and a cool breeze … since it is winter, let’s make that a warm breeze. You adjust to your […]

Determination: The Recipe for Success

The following is a guest post by Elizabeth Ann Stewart founder of the  Brain and Body Wellness Center. I grew up with an extremely unreal expectation of what it would take to be successful. After all, Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears just had to sing and dance and they were rich and famous! If I built a […]

Shelly’s Path To Entrepreneurship

The following is a guest post by Shelly Kulesza, CEO of As a guest blogger, Judy has asked me to share a little about my organization and the path I took to get here – the good, the bad, and the ugly. I am blessed that, for the most part, my path to entrepreneurism […]

5 Life Lessons From Ruth

The following is an outstanding guest post from Ruth Thoes Vivrett. It seems she has seen and done just about everything, and I know just about everyone could learn a thing or two from this post. Enter Ruth:   My father always used to say I had my daddy’s good looks and my mama’s disposition. Guess […]

Women Do It Three Times More Than Men

I was honored to be asked to guest blog for Kim Duke-The Sales Divas. I decided to write about ONE of the many differences between men and women…So what do women do three times more than men…. Ask questions! Every action, every moment of every day is taken only after DOZENS of questions have been […]

From Stay-at-Home Mom to Business Owner

My name is Barbara Doweidt, I was simply a stay at home mom. You know the type, your day starts at 6:00 AM getting kids up and ready for school. Spending your day making appointments, arranging schedules, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, gardening, then chauffeuring your children to their after school activities. My children are now […]

Necessity is the mother of all ‘re-invention’…

… and the women who helped me. The following is a guest post by Mandy Kendall. She can be reached at ma***********@gm***.com. If you like this post, leave a comment, send an email, reach out and say hi! Well, where to start? My life has been ‘driven by a number of major life changes’, or is […]

The Accidental Entrepreneur

The following is a guest post by Juli Branson. Juli runs Corporate Marketing, PR & Communications for Branson Ink. For more than two decades, I have been helping others tell their stories – from my days as a newspaper reporter to my time as a speechwriter for presidential cabinet members.  I earned a very good living, […]

You are All Amazing Women

The following is a guest post by Tilde Guajardo, Founder and Chief Visionary Officer for I’d like to start by thanking Judy for the opportunity to share this space with incredible women. I first agreed to blog for Judy, not knowing what to expect, so it was a complete surprise as to the title and topic I would […]