Joining the WBENC

How many of you have had something looming over your head for days, weeks, months? Be honest. Let me tell you about my special “project” that I just couldn’t seem to get done. As many of you already know, I am a company owned by a woman….me.  It stands to reason that I should have the designation […]

The Word is….

Did you sell lemonade when you were younger. Perhaps girl scout cookies were more up your alley? Or maybe you mowed lawns in your neighborhood….do you know what the common thread is between your first experience having a business as a child and jumping in and doing it as an adult? It’s a word that […]

Prospecting Habits- The 3 Most Important Ones Used By Successful Salespeople

Don’t Multitask –  Done thing at a time and finish it before moving to the next. Studies conducted at MIT show that our brain does not focus well on more than one thing. Multi-tasking is an illusion and your IQ drops as much as 10 points when you are multitasking!   Get Organized –  Don’t waste […]

The Balancing Act

How many times have you said to yourself…”I need to have balance in my life”?  I believe it is a mantra that we all own, but the question is, can you have it?  Is there really such a thing as balance?   What would it look like? And most importantly, would you be happier if […]

Women Do It Three Times More Than Men

I was honored to be asked to guest blog for Kim Duke-The Sales Divas. I decided to write about ONE of the many differences between men and women…So what do women do three times more than men…. Ask questions! Every action, every moment of every day is taken only after DOZENS of questions have been […]

From Stay-at-Home Mom to Business Owner

My name is Barbara Doweidt, I was simply a stay at home mom. You know the type, your day starts at 6:00 AM getting kids up and ready for school. Spending your day making appointments, arranging schedules, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, gardening, then chauffeuring your children to their after school activities. My children are now […]

Easing Transition- The F7Group Mantra

It doesn’t seem as if transition is a difficult concept, yet millions of people are struggling with it.  Quite simply transition is defined as movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another.  It could be from one part of the country to another, from one position in a company […]

You are All Amazing Women

The following is a guest post by Tilde Guajardo, Founder and Chief Visionary Officer for I’d like to start by thanking Judy for the opportunity to share this space with incredible women. I first agreed to blog for Judy, not knowing what to expect, so it was a complete surprise as to the title and topic I would […]

Do We Really Need Two Separate Training Programs??

Every time I am speaking about the differences between men and women in the workplace, I find that more and more people are becoming aware that the differences can be advantageous, if we understand them.  Since women are now responsible for 86% of consumer products purchasing, including insurance, cars and appliances, you would think everyone […]

“Qualifying on the Phone”: Part 4- Building Relationships

Here are some realities about the distinct ways men and women approach selling. Men tend to be more direct on the phone. They call a prospect and go straight into the sales presentation. They tend to be driven to get the job done. They will then repeat the process and the system is easy to duplicate. The purpose […]

Qualifying on the Phone: Part 2- A Better System

This post is part two of a series on “Qualifying over the Phone”.  If you missed part one, click here now to catch up! Once I moved up into management,  I implemented a very different system for calling.  Unlike how my supervisor handled business (as I discussed in part 1), we did not have everyone in the office […]

Good News, Bad News

You’re moving along, doing your thing and BAM! something unexpected happens….your computer crashes.  Everything you have is on your desktop or in a folder. But no issues, because you have a Mac…right?  Here’s what happened Thursday evening.  I’m on the phone with Jason, my branding guru. We are scheduling blog posts, twitter updates, etc. on […]