Don’t let the Acronym filled title throw you off! Wanted to quickly share a video that the creative people at I Wear Your Shirt put together to help announce my latest project Sales Training With A TWIST. They also wrote a blog post about it! Now, the project has not fully launched yet, but anyone […]
The Cover of ‘Exceptional People’ Magazine!
I am extremely happy to announce that Exceptional People Magazine featured me on the cover of their magazine! You can read the interview by clicking here. Or if you prefer to download it to print and read later you can do so by clicking here. Here is an excerpt from the interview: Monica: What are […]
Networking and selling only work if you ask the right question, do you want to buy?
At the age of 19 I started my first business I had an office, a phone and a typewriter (yep we are talking pre computers here). Luckily, I did realise people needed to know I was there and so I placed a 4 line ad in the local paper telling them who I was and […]
Shelly’s Path To Entrepreneurship
The following is a guest post by Shelly Kulesza, CEO of As a guest blogger, Judy has asked me to share a little about my organization and the path I took to get here – the good, the bad, and the ugly. I am blessed that, for the most part, my path to entrepreneurism […]
Women Do It Three Times More Than Men
I was honored to be asked to guest blog for Kim Duke-The Sales Divas. I decided to write about ONE of the many differences between men and women…So what do women do three times more than men…. Ask questions! Every action, every moment of every day is taken only after DOZENS of questions have been […]
Dallas Business Journal Features SIAS
In case you missed it, a few weeks back I was featured in the Dallas Business Journal. The post was restricted to subscribers of the DBJ until recently. Now you can see the post by clicking here. (In some cases you may be asked a simple 1 question survey before you can see the content… […]
To Do or Not To Do – 5 Steps to Staying Productive
Being productive has never been an issue for me. I have been told I am very productive and as my last post showed, I’m also very focused. Of course everyone tells me that I make it look so easy. Here’s the secret, I need to make it look easy to me in order for me […]
Do We Really Need Two Separate Training Programs??
Every time I am speaking about the differences between men and women in the workplace, I find that more and more people are becoming aware that the differences can be advantageous, if we understand them. Since women are now responsible for 86% of consumer products purchasing, including insurance, cars and appliances, you would think everyone […]
“Qualifying on the Phone”: Part 4- Building Relationships
Here are some realities about the distinct ways men and women approach selling. Men tend to be more direct on the phone. They call a prospect and go straight into the sales presentation. They tend to be driven to get the job done. They will then repeat the process and the system is easy to duplicate. The purpose […]
Qualifying on the Phone: Part 3- What Not To Do
This post is part three of a series on “Qualifying over the Phone”. If you missed any part, click here now to catch up! Chalk this one up under ‘Case in Point: In-Person Appointments Reduce Confusion’ A trained sales professional of more than 25 years came to our company. He was going to show us how […]
Communication Between Men and Women….
Is there really a difference? Why is there so much talk about this? There are studies upon studies confirming that there are differences in the way we speak, the way we hear and the way we listen. One of the strategies I talk about deals with the male/female communication styles. It’s always funny when “selective […]
Radio Interview: Today’s Community
Last week I was invited to sit down with Shelia Tucker on her radio program ‘Today’s Community” about my company (and ebook) ‘Selling in A Skirt’. If you are new to this blog, or the Selling In A Skirt universe in general click on the link below, take a listen, and let me know what […]