Making Your Sales Relationship Into A Selling Relationship

              Making Your Sales Relationship Into A Selling Relationship Building relationships requires time, effort and patience. It requires a strategy unique to each situation and prospect. It doesn’t mean developing a shrewd approach to ingratiate yourself with your prospects. If your approach is not heartfelt, it won’t work because […]

Ten Useful Tips For The First-Time Business Owner

Owning A Business Is Extremely Exciting; It Is Also Hard Work And It Is Easy To Make Mistakes! You will not avoid every mistake of a first-time business owner, but with the right guidance you can make good decisions and avoid the problems that may cause some business owners to give up.  Hang in there; […]

It’s The Little Things That Count

Here’s the scenario….you are in a restaurant way out of town. You have no connections or relationships there yet you are treated as if you have been going there forever… The Colonel and I decided to get out of town for the weekend. We headed northwest to a little town in Oklahoma….ok some of you […]

It’s All About Relationships

This past year, I have been featured on Fox Business News radio so many times and of course, I have my favorite stations and hosts.  When I get my list of stations at 5am, I always look to see if I’ve been on their stations before and if we have a relationship built or if it’s […]

Determining Your Niche

Why is it that when someone asks who your target market is, the response many times is “everyone”?  How can that be true?  Is what you offer really good for the immediate world? The more you are able to describe and pinpoint your niche, the more profitable it will be.  Others will understand who they […]

“Act As If”- Notes on Time Management

Time management is one of the hardest concepts entrepreneurs have to grasp, especially when it means working from home. Many people find the transition from an office routine to the self-employed lifestyle confusing, because there are no rules. The only person holding you accountable to putting in a full day’s work is you, and the […]

Study: Can men or women tolerate more pain?

Sometimes I have to laugh at the studies that are done that make the news. Many times though, these studies are just updates from previous ones and sometimes they think they are making an old study current. In any case, this particular study about who tolerates more pain is definitely an oldie but a goodie….depending on where you […]

When Is A Group Too Small?

  So many times I’m asked why I speak to small groups. Isn’t it a waste of my time? Wouldn’t I rather have an audience of thousands? Well my friends, there are so many ways to respond to these questions. To begin with, when I first started my company, I needed to gain brand awareness so I […]

Content Roundup: 5 Parts of the “SIAS” Universe You May Not Know About

Videos There are two places online you can see the complete collection of videos created about Selling In A Skirt. One is by clicking here to visit our video page. or clicking here to visit the Selling In A Skirt YouTube channel.   Press Selling In A Skirt has been featured in over a dozen […]

5 Unexpected Sources of Inspiration

Have you ever had something looming over your head?  A project, a report, or even a blog post??? What inspires you to get it done?  Sometimes it’s the deadline and sometimes it’s feeling that sense of accomplishment.  I get my inspiration from many different areas. Here are 5 unexpected sources of inspiration for me. Hopefully […]

LAMP 2012 Video

In case you missed it in our newsletter, on our website, on facebook, or even on twitter, here is the full video of a talk I gave on the main platform at LAMP 2012 in Orlando Florida. Enjoy! About the video: Judy Hoberman of Selling In A Skirt rallies a crowd of over 1500 people at […]

So Many Decisions (and 3 tips to ensure you have your act together!)

One of the activities I love the most is to be a mentor for young women.  I believe this goes back to being the only female in many industries and having no female role model to follow. I knew I was missing something.  Over the past few years I have had the pleasure and honor […]