Working Remotely…Are You Prepared?

Other than 2 years of my career, I have always been an entrepreneur working from home. Yes, I’ve gone to an office, facilitated training in an office, recruited in an office and had team meetings in an office…but the majority of my time, was working from home. I don’t remember if anyone gave me a […]
How High Are Your Standards?

I always have interesting conversations and incredible people watching episodes when I’m at the airport. I listen and observe, I engage and I observe some more. At one airport, I was waiting for a flight and we were delayed so many times that it was almost a game to see when the app and the […]
The Value Of Coaching
When I started my company in 2009, one of the first things I did was to understand what I didn’t know how to do. I loved people, I could sell, I wanted to make a difference and always wanted to bring value. All sounds great so far right? What I didn’t really know how to […]
Business Or Expensive Hobby
Here’s the scenario…you decide you have something that will solve a solution for others. You’ve researched the market through surveys, focus groups and lots of connections. This is what you’ve been put here to do and so now you do as Nike as reminded you for decades and you “Just Do It” and voila […]
It’s The Little Things That Count
Here’s the scenario….you are in a restaurant way out of town. You have no connections or relationships there yet you are treated as if you have been going there forever… The Colonel and I decided to get out of town for the weekend. We headed northwest to a little town in Oklahoma….ok some of you […]
The Best Label To Put On A Child
Recently I was asked to be on CW33 TV to talk about my favorite label for a child- “Kidpreneurs” (Check out the video here!) Imagine a child that has entrepreneurial tendencies and can monetize that? Pretty powerful I would say! I did a lot of research about how kids can make money and spoke to some “experts” in the field. I […]
“You Won’t Like Me When We Are Finished”
… That’s how my strategy session began. Not very comforting I would say. In truth, I trusted this friend and if I wasn’t ready to hear the harsh truth, I wouldn’t have asked for his help. So we began by defining a few categories, those that brought in money and those that didn’t, what absolutely […]
Hang On
So you are considering starting a new business, or perhaps adding a new program or maybe bringing someone in to work with you. You have a “plan” and on paper it is perfect….then reality sets in. Am I talking to you or has that just happened to me? For the past 9 months I have been working […]
5 Unexpected Sources of Inspiration
Have you ever had something looming over your head? A project, a report, or even a blog post??? What inspires you to get it done? Sometimes it’s the deadline and sometimes it’s feeling that sense of accomplishment. I get my inspiration from many different areas. Here are 5 unexpected sources of inspiration for me. Hopefully […]
The Word is….
Did you sell lemonade when you were younger. Perhaps girl scout cookies were more up your alley? Or maybe you mowed lawns in your neighborhood….do you know what the common thread is between your first experience having a business as a child and jumping in and doing it as an adult? It’s a word that […]
So What’s Next… For Me?
It’s always funny when someone suggests something for you to do but doesn’t actually do it. Like someone talking to you about sales but has never sold anything, or a choreographer that has never danced. Last week I gave you some thoughts to consider and told you that if you shared your thoughts with me, […]
Are You In Transition?
According to, transition is “movement, passage, or change from one position, state,stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change: the transition from adolescence to adulthood.” It seems there is an awful lot of people in transition these days. The most common form seem to be those in a career transition. Either they have been promoted right out of […]