Will You Make It Out To…..
Lots of people write books with the intent of being a best selling author. There are all kinds of systems that you can put in place to make that happen online and when any of my friends do this, I am more than willing to offer my support. When I wrote my book, I wrote it […]
Working Remotely…Are You Prepared?
Other than 2 years of my career, I have always been an entrepreneur working from home. Yes, I’ve gone to an office, facilitated training in an office, recruited in an office and had team meetings in an office…but the majority of my time, was working from home. I don’t remember if anyone gave me a […]
Business Or Expensive Hobby
Here’s the scenario…you decide you have something that will solve a solution for others. You’ve researched the market through surveys, focus groups and lots of connections. This is what you’ve been put here to do and so now you do as Nike as reminded you for decades and you “Just Do It” and voila […]
Getting Your Message Out
When you start a new business, one of the first things you do is to create a product or service that is ideal for your target market. You set the price, you have the features and benefits and you are ready to rock and roll. Until you realize that you don’t know how to let […]
What Would You Do-Over?
I was thinking about some of the things that have happened in my life, both the amazing and the not so much fun times. I started daydreaming about the woulda, coulda, shoulda ways the outcome might have been different and realized that things happen just as they are supposed to and that everything we do […]
Making Your Sales Relationship Into A Selling Relationship
Making Your Sales Relationship Into A Selling Relationship Building relationships requires time, effort and patience. It requires a strategy unique to each situation and prospect. It doesn’t mean developing a shrewd approach to ingratiate yourself with your prospects. If your approach is not heartfelt, it won’t work because […]
It’s All About Relationships
This past year, I have been featured on Fox Business News radio so many times and of course, I have my favorite stations and hosts. When I get my list of stations at 5am, I always look to see if I’ve been on their stations before and if we have a relationship built or if it’s […]
Determining Your Niche
Why is it that when someone asks who your target market is, the response many times is “everyone”? How can that be true? Is what you offer really good for the immediate world? The more you are able to describe and pinpoint your niche, the more profitable it will be. Others will understand who they […]
“Act As If”- Notes on Time Management
Time management is one of the hardest concepts entrepreneurs have to grasp, especially when it means working from home. Many people find the transition from an office routine to the self-employed lifestyle confusing, because there are no rules. The only person holding you accountable to putting in a full day’s work is you, and the […]
In Like A Lion And Out Like A Lamb
So the saying goes about the month of March. In my case it was exactly the opposite. It seems that everything is on top of each other in March. I started out the month, really on the 28th of February, speaking at the AIMS Pro-To-Pro Retreat, an Insurance Industry event in the DFW area. The […]
Shiny Objects
How in the world does anyone expect you to get anything done when there are so many interesting distractions around? For instance, I made a major goal for myself to complete my 2nd book and have it printed and shipped to CA for an event by March 1st. And, that would probably not be too […]
Selling In A Skirt: A Review
Sometimes opportunities come to you in the most incredible ways. A woman was at a meeting and was talking about me to another member. A third woman heard the conversation and asked for my information. That woman gave my information to yet another woman who contacted me and asked if I would speak at a […]